Part 51

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We got back home the next morning. "Let's get you to bed" I say and he nods. I help him walk up the stairs and change his clothes so he is comfier. "I'll go get Alex and Jo out of the stroller. Do you need anything?" "No, I'm fine. Thanks" "Ok. Call if you need anything. Even to go to the bathroom" I say and I go downstairs again.

I got the babies in their swings and I turned them on. I go to the kitchen to cook some soup for Jensen according to the list of things that he can eat that the doctor gave me. During that I did the laundry and some ironing.

I went upstairs to place some clothes to my closet and I saw Jensen trying to get up. "What are you doing?" I ask as I rush to him "I need to go to the bathroom but I didn't want to bother you" "Come on" I say and I help him stand up. We walk to the bathroom and I go in with him. He turns and looks at me "Oh come on, like I haven't seen it already" I say "What can I say, I'm shy" he says and I chuckle. I get out and I close the door. "Ok, come in" he says. I help him back to the bed "I'll be back with your lunch later. I'll be honest with you, you are not going to like it" I say and I get out of the room.

I fed the twins, I got them to their gibs and it's time to feed Jensen. I take a tray with his food and pill and I go to the room. "Food time" I say. I place the tray on the night stand and I sit next to Jensen. "Can you eat alone or do you want me to feed you too?" I ask him and he just opens his mouth. I chuckle and I shake my head. I take the bowl and I feed him. "What is that?" he asks "Many things that are good for your liver" I say "Well, it tastes like shit" "I know but you have to eat it all. And get used to it because this is your food for the next five days" "Great" "Open" I say holding the spoon next to his mouth.

"Good boy" I say as I wipe his mouth "Now the good boy needs to take his pill" I say as I hand it to him and a glass of water. "Thanks" he says. I take the glass empty glass and I put it back on the tray. He places his hand on my knee and rubs it softly "Thank you" he says and I smile. I get up and I help him lay down, I kiss his forehead "Get some sleep" I say and he nods.

I go to the kitchen, I washed the dishes and I make my way to the living room. I sit on the couch and I notice that the papers are still on the table. I take them and I go back to the room. "Are you asleep?" I ask "No, come in" Jensen says and I walk in. I sit next to him on the bed again and I help him sit up "I wanted to ask you if you want me to send them" I say as I show him the papers. "I thought that you have already sent them" "No, I didn't because Gen came and then I got the call about your accident" I say and he nods. "I love you and I want to stay with you for the rest of my life. But if you feel different, I don't want to force you. So it's up to you" he says and I nod.

He cups my face and I lean to his touch. I close my eyes and I take a deep breath "I really don't know what to do" I whisper to him "It's ok, take as much time as you need" he says and I nod. Suddenly, I feel his lips on mines. I kiss him back for a seconds. "I'll let you know what I decide" I say and I leave.

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