Part 41

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4 months later
My phone rings and I pick up almost immediately. "Hello?" "Hi babe. How are you doing?" "Laying on the bed all day, as you know" "I know. Only three weeks left" "Yeah, I know. When are you coming back?" "Next week" "Great. I'm bored here" "Isn't your mom there?" "She is. All day and I'm tired of hearing her. Thank God, Gen came earlier with Odette. She is so little Jay and if they are going to be this little I--" "You are going to do great. How are they doing today?" "Moving, kicking, punching and sitting on organs that they are not supposed to. See? They don't even like me" "They do. Don't worry. I miss you" "I miss you too. And they do too. I really love it when you speak to them. You are going to be great with them" "I hope so, but I will never be able to beat you" "Shut up. I love you" "Love you too. Gotta go, we have night shooting. If anything happens, call me" "Ok, bye" I say and I hung up.

"Mom" I yell and I hear her coming. "Do you need something?" she asks "No, just come here" I say and she nods. She walks to me and sits on the bed "Do you think that I'm going to be a good mom?" "I do. I really do. And it's ok if you need help. What a good mom does is put her kids needs before hers and I think that you already do. I mean look at you right now, your doctor said that you should be in bed as much as possible and you are. You might be telling me that you hate it but you do it" "Thank you" I say and I hug her.

"I'm going to sleep, if you need anything call for me" she says "Ok" I say and she leaves the room. I turn and lay on my side.

I wake up because of pains in my belly. "Where are you sitting on now?" I mumble and another strong kick hits me. My phone rings "Yes?" I say as I pick it up "Hey (Y/N), how are you doing?" "Gen? Aren't you sleeping?" "Nah, I just put Odette to sleep" "Oh, ok. Can I ask you something?" "Sure" "How does contractions feel like?" "Do you think?" "Just tell me" "It's like a pain in the belly but in the back too. Do you want me to call Jensen?" she asks but I don't answer.

I feel a liquid between my legs "(Y/N)?" "I think that my water just broke" "Ok, I'm calling Jensen and I'm coming" "And what about the kids?" "The babysitter is here. I can pay here to stay for the night" "No, you don't have to" "Yes I do" she says and hungs up.

She came after a couple of minutes and rush to my room. "Let's get you to the hospital" she says "What is happening?" my mom asks "My water broke" I say and her eyes go wide. "I'm going to call Jensen" she says "Already did but he doesn't pick up, neither is Jared" Gen says "Yeah, the have night shooting" I say "Yeah, you are right. Let's go" she says and helps me get up.

We got to the car and my mom started driving "Give me my phone" I say to Gen who had packed it in my bag. She hands it to me and I call Misha. "Hello?" he says as he picks up "Hi Mish, (Y/N) here. Is Jensen still on set?" "I don't know. Want me to go check?" "I would really appreciate if you could and tell him to pick up his--" and a wave of pain runs through my body. Gen takes my hand and nods that it's ok "...his phone. Please Misha tell him to pick up" "Ok, I am going right now. But it might get some time because they are outside the studios" "Great" "(Y/N) is everything ok?" "No, Misha my water broke and Jensen is not picking up his freaking phone" "Ok, I'm going to be as fast as I can" "Thank you" I say and I hung up. "He is going there to find them" I say "Great. You just squeeze my hand, ok?" Gen says and I nod. "Give me your phone to call Robbins" she says and I hand it to her.

We go to the hospital and the lead us to a room. A doctor comes in "Let's get you checked" he says "No, my doctor is coming" I say "Mrs. Ackles just let me check" he says and I shake my head as I squeeze Gen's hand harder. "Mrs. Ack--" "She said no, so you better take your insisting ass out of here" Gen says and he nods. He leaves the room and I look at Gen "Wow, I think I just saw Ruby" I say and she chuckles.

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