Part 22

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October 18th

"Ready for your last day babe?" Jensen asks "No" I say and he chuckles "Come on, they are waiting for us on set" he says and pecks my lips. I smile and I follow him on set.

"I just got a message from Gen that the crib came and is in its place" I say "So the nursery is ready" Jensen says and pecks my lips "Yes it is" I say and I kiss him. "Thank God we gave Gen the keys" I say "Oh yes. I can't wait to meet him" "Me neither" I say and we kiss. "Remind me to show you later the outfit I got for him" "I will. Let's go now, we are probably late already" he says and I nod.

"We are going to shoot every scene that you have with Jensen first and then we are leaving your death for last" the director says and we nod. "Take your places, we start with scene 5" he continues.

We stand outside of the house and we wait for the director to call action. "Action" he says. We start walking closer to the door "Are you sure you are going to be ok by yourself?" he asks me "I don't know but I need to be alone for a few days at least. I need to find out what changed all these years that I was... away" I say unlocking the door. I open it and I turn to look at him again. "Ok, I get it but if anything happens or you notice something weird, call me, ok?" "I will" I say and I smile. I kiss his cheek and I get in the house "Bye Dean" "Bye" he says and I close the door.

"Cut. Great let's change the cameras angles and we will do it again" the director says. After doing a few more takes, we move on scene 11. In this scene Jensen is not needed but we need to get it done before the others. So he sits on his cast chair and waits for the next.

"Action" the director says. The doorbell rings and I walk to the door. I look from the window to see who it is. It's a guy that doesn't seem really friendly. I don't open the door so he starts knocking the door. "Open the door Mrs Baker" he says. I take my phone and I dial Dean's number. But my call goes straight to voicemail "Dean, there is a guy outside and he is trying to come in. He has British accent and--" I get interrupted by the door that got knocked down. "It's nice to finally meet you Ellie" he says. "Cut".

"(Y/N) and David (Ketch), I think we will shoot the fight scene tomorrow because I want you to practice on it, just to be sure that (Y/N) will be fine. Are you ok with it?" the director says "No problem" David says "Sure" I say. "Great. Last scene for (Y/N) today, I want your last scene where Sam and Dean find you dead. Jared must be here any second." he says and I nod.

I got the necessary make up done and I went back to set. I laid on the floor, where my mark was and "Action".

By the time we were done, it was too late for me and David to go practice the choreography for the fight scene again, so we were going to do this the next morning and shoot it when the it gets darker.

"Seems like I have one more day" I say to Jensen "Yes" he says and pecks my lips. "Let's go get some rest now" he says and I nod. We walked back to his trailer "The clothes" I say and I hand him a box.

He starts laughing

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He starts laughing. I kiss him "I love you" I say "I love you too".

The next morning went as planned, Jensen and Jared were filming and I practiced on my fight scene until it was time for shooting.

David, the stunt doubles and I walked to set. Jensen was there because he wanted to make sure that I was ok. We started the fight scene and everything went ok. We did it twice and one more with my stunt double. "Great a third take with David's stunt double and it's a wrap for (Y/N)" the director says.

We started the take but we got interrupted by Jared who for some reason decided to run on set and slipped. I couldn't stop laughing after what I saw. The director gave all of us a break to calm. "It was amazing" I say to Jared still laughing "Yes, it was" Jensen says as he approaches. "Jay, can you go bring me something to eat. I'm starving" I say "Sure" he says and pecks my lips.

But the next take started before Jensen came back.

Jensen's POV
I walked to my trailer and I got (Y/N) some snacks. There is a knock on the door. I open and it's the guy that is responsible for the props. "Hey, were is (Y/N)?" he asks "On set, why?" I say "Crap, we need to hurry" he says and leaves. I stop him "What happened?" I ask "I took the fake blade back to clean it and check it in the break and I left the real one on set. I am holding the fake one right now which means that they are doing the stabbing take with the real steel blade" he says.

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