Part 32

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"Jared and Jensen answered this question in their panel earlier but I wanted to ask you too if had any injuries on set, as actors that aren't on set as much as the boys are?" she asks and I feel my heart break. I tried to hold back the tears. Kim and Brianna looked at me and I nod. "I can't say that I had any injury" Kim says "Yeah, me neither" Brianna says.

It's my turn to talk. "Me neither" I say and I smile as much as I can. I spin my chair around so I wasn't facing the audience. I looked up and tried to blink away the tears but I couldn't. Then Jensen came on stage. "What are you doing here?" I ask him "I came to see how you are doing because I kinda heard the question" he says and a tear escapes my eye. He hugs me and I wipe the tear to his cheek. "Do you want to go backstage for a little?" he asks me "No" I say and I shake my head. He pulls away and kisses me "Thanks" I say and he smiles.

He walks off stage and I turn around again. I take my mic back "And we are back" I say.

Our panel is done and we headed to the green room. As soon as we walked in, Jensen came to me and hugged me. I hug him back "It's ok, I'm ok" I whisper to him. He pulls away "Are you sure?" "Yeah" I say and I smile. We sit on the couch and he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

It's time for Misha's panel so the rest of us are free. "Hey, how about we go to our room until our next panel?" I ask Jensen "Sure" he says and pecks my lips.

He sits on the bed and I sit on his lap. He kisses me and of course I kiss him back. It was a slow and full of love kiss. His tongue asks for entrance and I allow him almost immediately. His hands are, slowly, making their way from my knees to my thighs, causing me to moan in his mouth.

He moves his hands inside of my t-shirt. I pull away from the kiss and I cup his face. "Thank you for everything Jay" I say "Anytime sweetheart" he says and I kiss him again. "I love you" I say "I love you too" he says. I take my t-shirt off and I kiss him again. He lays me on the bed and gets on top of me. He starts to kiss my neck causing me to moan even more.

"We are late" I say as we get out of our room "We shouldn't do that last thing" I continue "Oh, you mean that thing that you were begging for?" he says and smiles proudly "Oh my God, you sound like Dean" I say and I roll my eyes "Well--" "Shut up, let's go" I say and he nods.

We didn't go to the green room but directly on stage. Jared was on stage and he tried to get the crowd occupied until we were there. Jensen and I grab our mics and go on stage. There are screams from the audience "Finally" Jared says "Sorry for being late" I say "Yeah, sorry we were on something" Jensen says "I don't want to know" Jared says and the audience screams "No, no, we weren't..." I say trying to convince them "But he was responsible for us being late" I say pointing at Jensen "No, I wasn't" he says "Yes, you were. I wasn't the one who looked at the clock" I say.

"Anyway, I am leaving. See you later guys. Enjoy Mr. and Mrs. Ackles" Jared says and goes back stage. "So, Mr. Ackles, should we start?" "Of course Mrs. Ackles" he says and we sit on our chairs.

"Hi" I say looking a lady that was standing up "Hi. My question is for (Y/N)" she says "I'm listening" I say "We know that Jensen is playing Dean for a lot of years now, so is there any moments that he turns to Dean in real life?" she asks and I chuckle. "Yes. It actually happened before we came on stage" I say and I look at him "Yeah. But sometimes you like it" he says and looks at me. I roll my eyes "I'm going to leave" I say joking "No, you are not" he says and I shake my head. "Next question please" I say and he chuckles.

"Hi, I'm Mary" a young girl says "Hi Mary" I say and Jensen waves at her "Jensen and Jared were on many interviews together, but we haven't seen any of Jensen and (Y/N)" "You'll see soon" I say.

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