Part 33

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"Come on (Y/N), we are going to be late" Jensen yells from downstairs "Coming" I say putting my heels. I run downstairs "Finally" he says "Let's go" I say and I kiss him.

We arrived at the of 'Jimmy Kimmel live' and we are waiting backstage. I looked myself in the mirror once again

"How do I look? Maybe I should have worn the beige one" I say to Jensen "You look great" he says and comes to me "You always do" he continues and kisses me

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"How do I look? Maybe I should have worn the beige one" I say to Jensen "You look great" he says and comes to me "You always do" he continues and kisses me. "I love you" I say and I kiss him again. "You look really good too" I say.

"And sexy Ackles is already on the internet" I say showing him the pictures "I thought you were sexy Ackles" he says and kisses me

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"And sexy Ackles is already on the internet" I say showing him the pictures "I thought you were sexy Ackles" he says and kisses me. I pull away and I wrap my hands around the back of his neck. I look at him and I smile.

"Time to come out" the assistant says and knocks the door. "Please welcome Jensen and (Y/N) Ackles" and with that we walk on set.

"Ok, we talked enough. It's time for a game" Jimmy says "I'm going to make ten questions and you are going to answer. But your answers have to be Jensen or (Y/N), no one else" he continues "Ok" I say "Got it" Jensen says.

"First question, who is more likely to survive a zombie apocalypse?" "Jensen" I say "(Y/N)" Jensen says "Oh, come on you don't really think that. You have more skills than I do" I say "I do but I would die for you" he says "Oh my God, I'm going to thow up" I say and they chuckle.

"Who is more likely to want to go on a real hunt?" he asks "Jensen" I say "(Y/N)" he says "Come on, you know everything about the show" he says "And you are trained" I say.

"Who is more likely to be afraid of the stupidest thing?" he asks and I start laughing. They both look at me "What?" Jensen asks "Fiver" I whisper and I continue to laugh. "To answer the question, Jensen" I say "Probably" Jensen says.

"Who is more likely to get caught watching supernatural for the 10th time?" "Me" I say "(Y/N)" Jensen says at the same time.

"Who is more likely to get caught eating at 3 am?" he asks and I chuckle. "That's (Y/N)" Jensen says and I nod.

"Who is more likely to sleep for 12 hours straight?" "Jensen" I say "Yeah, I am" he says "But is normal, cause he comes home after work and he is tired, so I let him" I say "I wish my wife thought the same" Jimmy says and I chuckle.

"Who is more likely to be late?". Jensen says my name and I say his in the same time. "Not true" I say and I look at Jensen "Who was running late today?" he asks me "Here is the deal" I say and I look at Jimmy "When we are going somewhere casual, he will be late because he'll wait till the last minute to go get ready. But when there is something more than casual, I'll be running late" I continue "Yeah, you're right. I never noticed that" Jensen says "Interesting" Jimmy says.

"Who is more likely to prepare a romantic dinner?" "Jensen" I say and I look at him. Jensen has lowered his head and he is blushing. "Ahh" I say and I rub his back. "Yeah, I did a few times" he says "So, Jensen is the romantic one, isn't he?" Jimmy asks "Yeah" I say "Ok, moving on" he says.

"Who is more likely to snuggle in bed?" "Me" I say "(Y/N)" Jensen says. "What can I say? You are comfortable" I say and he chuckles.

"Who is more likely to kiss the other one?" "Me" Jensen says and kisses my cheek.

"Please give a round of applause for (Y/N) and Jensen Ackles who joined us today" Jimmy says and the audience claps.

After that we went home pretty late and we went to bed almost immediately. Jensen sounded asleep but I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about what happened earlier. He is the romantic one, he plans dinners, he shows me how much he loves me and I don't do it so often.

I need to think how am I going to fix this. I need to get him out of the house. Then I need to go for shopping, then cook and then put the candles on. What am I going to cook? How am I going to decorate the house? Oh my God, I don't have enough time to do everything.

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