Part 46

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It's been a month since the filming for season 14 started. The first week that Jensen was gone we talked everyday through facetime. But from the second week he stopped calling, and we were just texting. I have to say that it is kinda romantic. It was like we were just dating again.


Hey, how are you?

How are you guys?

But we are missing you

I miss you too
Gotta go
Love you

Love you too

This is what our texts are like lately. Sometimes they include pictures or videos of Jo and Alex. But that's it. I haven't heard his voice or seen his face in three weeks.

Jensen's POV
Love you too'

I turn off my phone and I sit on the bed. I take a deep breath and I let a tear fall. 'What the hell was I thinking?'

Your POV
The next morning, after I fed both Jo and Alex and I put them on their stroller, in order to go for our everyday walk. Today, Gen and Odette would come too and we would probably go for a longer walk, so I stuffed their bag and then we were ready to go.

I met Gen right outside the house. "Look who's here. Aunt Gen is here" I say as she walks to us "Good morning" she says in a very happy tone as she tickles them. "Hey, how are you?" she says as we hug "Good. But still alone. How are you?" "Good. Boys are in school and it's girls time" she says and I chuckle.

We start walking. I am pushing the double stroller and Gen is pushing Odette's. "How are the boys doing?" "Good. Jared and I are trying to get them back on their school program again" "When did you last seen Jared?" "Last week that he came. By the way, when is Jensen coming home?" "I have to idea. I feel like we are getting more distant every day" "Why is that?" "Everytime I try to start a conversation, through texts, he says that he has to go. I think that something is wrong but I don't want to accuse him for anything. Not yet at least".

"Anyways, when is Jared coming back again?" "Next weekend. Try to talk to Jensen" "Trust me, I've already tried. But everytime I call him, he hungs up and texts me if something happened. Like he doesn't want to talk to me" "I'll get Jared to convince him" "Thanks".

Jared's POV
"Jay, wanna grab a drink after filming?" I ask him "No, I'm fine" he says and walks to his trailer. What the hell happened to him this season? He never went to his trailer on breaks when (Y/N) is not around.

My phone rings and I pick up "Hi baby" I say "Hi, everything ok up there?" "As good as they can be" "I need to ask you something" "Say it" "Is Jensen being acting strange this last weeks?" "Actually yeah. How did you know?" "(Y/N) is a little worried. Jar, he hasn't spoken or seen her in three weeks. Only texts" "What? I thought that they couldn't leave away from each other" "I did too. Please try to convince him to come home. Or at least to call her" "I'll try" "Thanks" "Anytime babe. Love you" "I love you too".

I go to Jensen's trailer and I knock the door. There is no answer so I just get inside. "What are you doing?" he asks "Are you serious man? Why is (Y/N) telling Gen that you two haven't talked in three weeks? You couldn't stop calling her the first week. What happened now?" "Yeah, I was kinda busy" "Who are you trying to convince here? Me or yourself? What happened to you anyways? Why are you acting so aggressive and down three weeks now?" "Get out" "No I won't. Do you have any idea what (Y/N) is going through while you are away and don't bother to even talk to her?"

"I said get out" he yell and I punch him "Next friday you are coming back home with me" I say and I get out of his trailer. I took my phone out and I texted Gen
"He is coming with me next weekend".

Your POV
My phone rings and I run upstairs to pick it up before it wakes up the kids. "Hello?"  "Hi (Y/N), it's Donna" "Oh, hi. How are you?" "Good. Is Jensen coming home anytime soon?" "Yes actually. He is coming next Friday. Wanna come Saturday for lunch? I bet you've missed him too" "Yes, sure. We'll be there" "Great". I hear crying from the room "Gotta go. Someone woke up" "Ok, bye. Give them kisses from me and Alan" "I will. Bye" I say and I hung up.

I pick up Jo who was crying and I swing her. "Let's hope mommy is wrong this time. The bad feeling will go away, right baby?" I whisper.

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