Part 40

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Jensen's POV
It's time for the first panel of the convention. And it's (Y/N)'s first appearance with a bigger belly. With two 5-month-old babies in her belly, to be exact. She's really nervous about it but I think she is going to do great. She looks great and she is glowing. I couldn't have asked for a better person to carry our kids. She is tired but she is still fighting and I can't thank her enough for that. And that's why I love her so freaking much.

"Ready for the big announcement?" I ask her and she nods. "Just a little nervous" "It's ok. You look great" I say and I kiss her. I rub her belly "How are they doing today?" I ask "Making mommy tired" she says and I chuckle.

Your POV
"(Y/N), Kim and Brianna. Your panel is starting in 5. Rich and I are going to welcome the people" Rob says "I'm bringing (Y/N) in 5" Jensen says "You know, I can walk" I say "I know. Let's go" he says and offers me his hand.

We met Kim and Brianna backstage. "Oh my God, (Y/N) you look great" Brianna says and hugs me "Thank you. I wasn't really sure what to wear today" I say

 I wasn't really sure what to wear today" I say

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"Don't worry girl. You always look great" Kim says. "Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for the first panel?" we all hear Rob say and the audience screams. "Crap" I say "What?" Jensen asks me worried "I need to pee. I need to pee really bad" I say "Go. I'll go out until you come back" Jensen says "Thanks" I say and I peck his lips before I leave.

Walking back, after the bathroom, I can hear Jensen, Kim and Brianna talking. "I know that you were waiting for another Ackles but she needed to do something for a moment. I will be filling in for her" Jensen says "I like the other Ackles more" Kim says and I chuckle. "And guys, she might be a little different from the last time you saw her" Jensen says. I take a mic and I turn it on "I heard that" I say from backstage.

"Are you ready for a big announcement?" Brianna asks the audience. "Mrs. Ackles, come on stage" Jensen says and I do. There were only screams for the next 30 seconds. "Yeah, we are going to add a couple of Ackles to the spn family in April" I say. "Ok, I'm leaving you ladies begin. See you later" Jensen says and pecks my lips before he leaves.

"Finally" Kim says "Let's start with some questions" Brianna asks "Sure" I say and I sit on my chair. "Hi. Let me start with saying congratulations (Y/N)" a man says "Thank you" I say "The boys are known for their not really professional way of filming and according to (Y/N)'s post on Instagram they weren't really easy on her. What was the moment on set that you said like 'I can't do it anymore without laughing or breaking'? And as a director for (Y/N)" he asks.

"I'll go last, I need to think about it" I say "For me, the hardest moment to stay focused was the scene where Jensen needed to eat the donut" Brianna says "He was trying to put the whole donut in his mouth in order to make me laugh. And he did it" she continues. "For me there are many times that Jared is trying to make me laugh but I haven't given up yet" Kim says.

"As an actor, there was a day that Jared and I had a scene and he was supposed to take a prop. I have no idea how or why but he slipped on something and fell on the floor. I mean it was epic. And that memory played again and again in my mind everytime I looked at him and I couldn't focus on the scene. So we had to get a break. As a director now, every scene that Jared was in, made me want to cry. He was messing with Misha at first and when Misha left, he was ruinning his own coverage. I mean the camera's were on him and he was just laughing on his own. I was mad at him for probably the last three days of filming. But we are ok now" I say "Did he apologise?" Kim asks "Yes and Gen made him pay" I say.

After the convention was done, we all went to our rooms. I laid on the bed and I tried to get comfortable but my legs were hurting like hell. I hear the door open and Jensen walks in the room. "Hey, drinks are done so early?" I ask "No, I came to keep you company" "Too bad that I need sleep". I feel him lay next to me, but I have my back turned to him. He hugs me from behind, placing his hands on my belly. I put my hands on his hands, interlocking our fingers. "I love you" he mumbles against my neck. "I love you too" I say and I kiss him.

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