Part 48

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It was almost time for lunch by the time they came but I didn't have anything ready. I went to the kitchen and I I text Jensen;
'Your parents are here. Get some take out because I don't have anything cooked'

He replied almost immediately;
'What do you want me to take?'

'I don't care'
Was my reply. I turn my phone off and I try to fight the tears that were ready to stream down my face. But it was too hard.

"I'll be upstairs if you need me" I say walking pass them as fast as I could. I lock myself in my room and I let it all out again. I grab the phone that we have on our room and I call our lawyer "Hello?" "Hey Phill. It's (Y/N) Ackles. Can you do me a favour?" "I'm listening" "I need you to send me divorce papers" "Are you sure?" "Yeah" "Ok, I'll do it as fast as I can" "Thanks".

I hear the door open. Jensen is probably back. I try to calm down and fix whatever I can so I don't look like I was crying again. And I remembered that I still wear the clothes from yesterday. I wear a pair of black jeans and a white tank top.

"Here she is, come on let's eat" Jensen says as he sees me walking down the stairs "I'm fine. I'm just going to feed them and take them to bed" I say picking up Alex "I can do that if you want" he says "No, I'm fine" I say as I go upstairs again.

After I fed both of them and put them to sleep, I went to my room again. I laid on the bed and I covered myself with the blanket. But after a couple of minutes there was a knock at the door "Leave me alone" I say between sobs. But the door opens and Donna comes in. I sit up and I wipe the tears "Sorry, I thought it was Jensen" I say "I know" she says as she comes closer to me. She sits next to me "I brought you your food" "Thank you but I'm not really hungry". "(Y/N), what happened?" "Nothing, everything is fine".

"Sweetie, everything is not fine. What did Jensen do?" "I'm not supposed to tell you that. It's his thing to say" "Seeing you like this, I don't care who's thing is" she says and I nod. "Jensen is gonna be a dad again" "Really?" "Yeah, but I'm not the one who's pregnant" "No, he didn't" "Yes, he did. That's why he hasn't been home for this long. He didn't know how to tell me this" "Did you slap him?" she asks snd I chuckle "Yes actually" "Good" she says and leaves the room.

Half an hour pasted and the door opens again. Jensen rushes in. "Why did you tell her?" he asks "Wouldn't you?" "Yeah but it would be different" "How? How Jensen? Because these kinds of things are not getting better with a talk" "You had no right to tell them" "I had no ri--. I just told a woman that has been like a second mother to me that my husband cheated on me and that he got her pregnant" "You could say nothing" "No Jensen, I couldn't. Because when she came in I was drowning in tears. Tears for you. Tears that you don't deserve but look at me. I can't stop crying for you. You and your stupid decisions"

"I can't even look at you. Everytime I do I see Danneel and you having sex. I see you lying to me. *sob* I see you and her being together again *sob* with beautiful kids *sob*. I see the two of you happy together and I am nowhere *sob*. I'm*sob* nowhere *sob*. And *sob* I don't *sob* know*sob* why but *sob* I am still *sob* scared to *sob* lose you". Suddenly, I feel his arms wrapped around me "I'm here. I'm not leaving you" he whispers to me as I cry in his chest.

I push him away from me and I shake my head "No" "What?" "No, get out" "(Y/N)" "I said get out". He nods and leaves the room. "I'm leaving tomorrow morning" he says from outside the room.

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