Chapter one: Main Introductions

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"The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all."

The room was quiet as the only guy, who was standing, was the only one talking. He had everyone's attention including mine.

"Think about it," He looks around at everyone. "we humans have a mass of information stored inside our minds. We think like no other in this Universe. We are superior."

Looking around the room, everyone was watching him in complete interest. But I, on the other hand, thought it was complete bullshit. Although it did catch my attention, I still thought it was stupid.

I looked over at the clock on the wall and noticed that our instructor was thirty minutes late, which only gave up twenty five minutes left of this class. It really doesn't surprise me since our instructor is always late, but never this late.

This isn't high school, so if an instructor is late, another one would come in for a substitute or the Dean would explain to us what the problem was, but nobody was walking through the door.

Instead, we have Cole explaining some random shit to the class. Not even sure why he started saying this, but everyone was listening even had their chairs turned around watching him.

He makes eye contact with me and smirks, which I just give him an eye roll instead. Looking somewhere else, he kept talking about the human mind. I swear Cole is the weirdest guy ever, not including that he's a total dickhead.

You could say that we were friends before but we just had too many problems with each other. We never got along, ended up fighting or arguing with each other. It got to the point where we both ended our friendship even though we occasionally talk to each other, but it just ends the same.

We're frenemies, I guess you could say.

Everyone needs types of people in their life where they have a love and hate relationship with them. I have such a huge love and hate relationship with Cole, if not more on the hate side than anyone else.

I don't know what it is, but some guys are annoying little shits.

Thank God I'm gay.

As we were all sitting there listening to him blabber more shit from his mouth, the door to the classroom opened and I saw our Dean walk in with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, everyone." By this time, Cole had sat down as the Dean walked to the front. "Sorry for being late on explaining to everyone why your instructor wasn't present. But I do have some news. There will be another instructor here with you all tomorrow."

"What happened to Mr. Wright?" A girl asked.

The Dean made a face for a moment before sighing. "He's not present anymore. He moved to another state for personal reasons. That's all I know. But nonetheless, the new instructor will be here tomorrow." He smiles at everyone. "You all are dismissed."

We all stood up and I grabbed my bag before slinging it over my shoulder and following everyone else out of the classroom. I was behind this one girl when I was harshly pushed into her.

She turns around and gives me a look. Before I could even speak, I heard laughing behind me and I knew exactly who it was.

Without even second guessing, I turn around to face Cole as he had a stupid smile on his face. Looking him up and down, I met his eyes and gave him the dirtiest look. "Grow up."

Walking away, I heard his footsteps going the other direction. Turning my head, I saw that he had vanished like a magician, which made me smile as I walked out of the doors.

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