Chapter fourteen: Out of reach

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A week passed and nothing exciting has happened. No parties were planned, I basically stayed at home and other times I had to work. It was a pretty boring cycle but at least I was getting closer to graduating and getting the hell away from this place.

Jace was working now more than ever and it was irritating. I want him here with me so we can go out and do dumb shit, but now that we're both working like crazy it's hard to do anything together.

Miss Bailey seemed a little off this whole week and although she tried not to show it too much, I still caught it every chance I got. I wasn't sure what the problem was but ever since that night we had dinner, she seemed a little off.

I wasn't completely sure if it had anything to do with me. I mean, she's the one that asked to have dinner. I just agreed to come along which I didn't have to but I wasn't about to shut her down.

I didn't ask her about it. I didn't confront her after class. I hardly spoke to her because she was so closed off that I figured it was for the best anyways instead of trying to jump over a wall that she seemed to build around herself.

Nobody else seemed to give a shit that she was in a slump but here I was, giving myself a headache because I wanted to figure out what the problem was.

Her class was pretty boring today. She had us read two chapters, take notes and all that stupid shit. I kept glancing up at her as she was standing at her podium doing whatever.

We did have our quiz last Friday and the test Monday. I passed the quiz, but she still has to grade our tests. I'm not even sure if she started on them yet because of the way she's been acting.

As soon as class was over, I heard her speak before everyone started gathering up their things. "I'll grade your tests soon, alright? Have a great day, everyone."

Placing my shit in my bag, Cole walks up to me and stands next to my table. Looking up at him, I gave him a weird look as he was smiling down at me. "Can I help you?"

"I got a job for you after classes."

I shook my head before standing and facing him. "No thanks, bro." Before I had the chance to walk around him, he gently grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Just hear me out. A friend of mine needs a favor."

"What?" I ask, even though I wasn't interested at all.

He looks around before looking at me. "Meet me after classes in the parking lot." He walks away after that and I look to see Miss Bailey watching me from the front of the classroom.

Not giving her a second glance, I quickly walk to the door before stopping as I heard my name being called. "Micah? Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Making my way over to her, I stopped and looked at her. "Yes, ma'am?"

She looks at me for a moment before looking back at her computer. We were standing there in silence for a few moments and I couldn't understand what was going on.

After another moment or two, she looks over at me. "I just wanted to say.." She sighs before looking at her computer. "I'm sorry about the other night."

Giving her confused look, I watched as she looks over at me. "What do you mean?"

"I should have never asked you to have dinner that night. We should of never even went out." She shakes her head as her eyes landed on her computer screen. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

By this point, I was deeply confused. I honestly had no words to say because what she just said made absolutely no sense. I kept standing there, watching as her avoid eye contact with me and it just made me more confused.

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