Chapter nineteen: First Date

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"Why are you eating like the fucking cookie monster?" Jace was staring at me as I just downed a plate of scrambled eggs before chugging the glass of milk that was sitting in front of me.

After wiping my mouth, I smile at him. "I was hungry and you make such an amazing breakfast that it's hard not to stuff your face."

He touches his chest then smiles at me. "That's sweet, Micah. Thanks. I took after my dad from this cooking. He was a chef, like no joke."

"I believe it. If you got it from him then he was amazing."

Jace only talks about his parents every once in a while. It's something that neither of us like talking about because we know what we had to leave behind and our pasts aren't our strong subject.

"Forgot to ask but how was your date with your instructor?"

"It wasn't a date."

He shrugs. "Ok but how was it? It was pretty late when you came home."

Nodding, I sat the glass of milk down. "It was good."

"Where did you go?"

"Golden Corral."

He smiles. "Yum. Did you eat a lot of shit?"

"A little. It was hard to stuff your face with a table full of people."

He nods. "True, but you didn't have to pay?"

Shaking my head, I smile. "Nope. They paid for it."

"I should have came."

Rolling my eyes, I had a text message as it vibrated on the counter. I look down at my phone and saw Cameron's name light up the phone.

I quickly picked it up and read the text message, which made me smile like an idiot not a second later.

"Good morning"

I knew that we were going to talk today and maybe, just maybe it'll all fall into place and all this shit could either be super great or just fall apart at my fingertips.

I sent her a quick text back then grab my dishes before placing them in the sink. I gave Jace a kiss on the cheek then grabbed my bag before running out of the door.

Getting into my car, I pull my seat belt over my chest then lock it into place. After leaving the parking lot, I check the time before making a quick pit-stop at Starbucks and getting the usual.

Locking my car, I walk into the Starbucks and make my way over to the counter. I greeted Jasmine as she came over and smiled at me. "The usual?"


I waited at the counter as Jasmine walks away to make it. I look around at everyone before taking my phone out and seeing another text from Cameron. Smiling, I look at the text then sent her a text back.

She told me that we were talking after classes. I sent an ok then placed my phone back into my pocket before seeing Jasmine walk over with my drink.

I paid her then grab my drink from her hands. "A couple of my friends, who you may not know, are going out this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us."

I nodded as I took a sip of my drink. "Sounds good. I'll text you."

Since I didn't have anything to do this weekend, I knew that hanging out with Jasmine wasn't going to hurt anything.

The drive over to the college wasn't that bad. I thought it would be a lot worse because of the idiot drivers in the mornings, but it was surprisingly decent.

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