Chapter forty seven: Games we're playing now

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I quickly pulled Cameron back then made sure she was behind me as I was facing Daniel. I gave him the nastiest look I could as I looked him up and down to make sure he knew he wasn't wanted here.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

My blood was boiling just looking at him. Thinking he had the audacity to show his fucking face around here.

He just stared at us for a moment. "I came to talk to Cameron."

"Fuck off." I gripped Cameron's arm from behind me. I felt her hand go onto my shoulder as her head was against the back of my head.

I knew she must be scared by this point. Seeing him caught us all off guard and I knew memories were just flashing through her head right now, which made me grip her arm a little tighter as I watched him.

He crossed his arms. "Where's Brailynn?"

"What part of fuck off don't you understand?"

A few moments passed, as he was staring me down, then I heard Lexie and Kim walk into the hall. "What's going on?"

I look back as Lexie had stopped and was looking between us. I turn my attention back to Daniel, giving him the go-to-hell look as I made sure Cameron was still safely behind me.

"I'll call the cops." Lexie said.

"Don't." I said, glancing back at her. "They won't do shit." I look back at Daniel. "You have about five seconds to leave or else."

He chuckles then watches me. "Oh, I'm so scared. Big bad Micah, coming to wreck more damage around the town. I think you've done enough."

I gave him a confused look as he stood there smiling like an idiot. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Threatening him must have not been enough.

"I had a feeling you'd be here. You know, even though it's been over two weeks since we last saw each other doesn't mean I forgotten what you've done."

By this time, I felt Cameron lift her head up from the back of my head. My grip on her never loosened as I watched Daniel stare at me.

"So what? You came to kick my ass? Go ahead."

He shook his head. "It's a little more personal than that. I'm not here for Cameron or Brailynn.. actually I'm here for you."

I stared at him for a moment until I heard Cameron behind me. "You won't touch her. Do you understand me?" She walks from behind me and I look at her. "If you lay a hand on her, I'll be sure to kill you myself."

"Is nobody going to like, call the cops?" Kim said behind us.

Daniel smiles. "Yes, go ahead and call the cops. See what they can do." He looks at me. "Right, Micah?"

This whole situation was making my skin burn. I was ready to rip his head from his shoulders. I was tired of this fucking moron.

"I guess I didn't get the message when you blew my car up and threatened to kill me." He held his chin. "It just.. that didn't seem terrifying enough to make me stay away."

I saw Cameron look at me in the corner of my eye. I wasn't focused on anything but him.

"What do you want?" I ask, waiting for the answer.

He smiles at me for a moment. "You.. dead."

After that, he left the doorway then walked down the driveway. I stared after him before Lexie walks to the door and shuts it. She turns to look at us for a moment with a worried expression.

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