Chapter eighteen: Dinner Dates

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"I graded your tests and as some of you can see, you need to study a little more. I'm a little disappointed in some of you because I have been going over everything that was on the test." Her eyes scanned the room for a moment before she went back to her podium.

I look down at the paper that was laying out in front of me and saw a ninety two written on top of the paper. I smiled as I knew that I studied my ass off and all the hard work paid off.

Folding the paper up, I placed it in my pocket before looking up at Miss Bailey as she was telling the class something.

"I may consider helping some of you after class or I might let some of you retake the test. It depends on how willing you are." Her eyes looked around the room before landing on mine.

Giving me a smile, I returned it before she turns around and writes something on the board.

The remainder of the class was just a lecture on another assignment. Most of the time, a lot of people, I'm assuming the ones that didn't do so great on the test were taking notes finally.

After class was over, I was placing everything in my book before Cole walks by my table and places a piece of paper in front of me. I look up at him as he was walking away and out of the classroom.

I grabbed the paper then placed it in my pocket before getting up and slinging my bag over my shoulder. As I pushed my chair in, I look up and made eye contact with Miss Bailey as she was watching me.

That night I ran into her, I knew that I had to at least talk to her about what I was feeling. Of course it wouldn't be a love confession because hell knows it's far from that. It's just a crush and it's literally driving me to the point of breaking, so I needed to talk to her and tell her exactly what is going on.

Please send help.

"What's your plans for the evening, Micah?" She asks as I approached her.

Shrugging, I held onto my bag strap. "Not sure, what's your plans Miss Bailey?"

She smiles. "You can call me Cameron."


"Yes. As long as it's not in front of other instructors." She smiles.

I smile back then nod. "Gotcha, so plans?"

She smiles. "Maybe having dinner tonight."


Nodding, she smiles then messes with something on her podium. "I wanted to ask if you would like to come out to eat with us."

"Us?" I question.

"Brailynn and Lexie."

Watching her for a moment, I nod. "Uh, yeah sure. I think we should talk anyways."

"Oh?" She studies me. "We do?"

I nodded. "Yeah. So, what time is this dinner thing?"

"We could pick you up? Around seven?"

"Sounds great."

She smiles. "You still have my phone number, correct? I'll text you."

Realizing that she still had mine made me smile. "Sounds great, Cameron."

"See you, Micah."


Don't get me wrong, I sometimes confuse the shit out of myself most of the time. I say one thing and then my brain does a complete one eighty and I end up doing something completely different.

At one moment, I'm trying to avoid her and not act on these feelings. Then, I see her with a man who happens to be on her Instagram from so long ago and then I see them together, so that's a big nope for me. Then I end up dodging her, yet again.

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