Chapter forty six: A little more serious

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I walked into Cameron's classroom, pushing the door open with my butt as I had two white chocolate mochas in my hands.

Walking in, I saw her standing at the podium. She looks over at me after the door shuts and I couldn't help but feel my heart beat fast inside my chest.

"Morning." I smiled brightly, handing her one of the cups. "I got you this."

Smiling, she grabbed it then stared down at it for a moment before looking back up at me. "Thank you, and good morning to you too."

I sighed as I walked over to the front table and sat on the edge of it. Holding the cup in my hand, I look over at her as she was taking a sip then placing it on the podium.

After a moment, I took a sip of my coffee then saw her walk towards me. She grabbed my wrist to pull me up, making me sit my cup on the table before looking at her.

She wraps her arms around me, one arm around my back then her hand placed on the back of my head. She held me close as I wrapped my arms around her also. We stood there not saying anything and I could feel her heart beat against mine.

It was the kind of feeling that had butterflies in my stomach and my heart swelling inside my chest. The kind of feeling that I'm not too use to, but I could get use to it with her.

I felt her stroke the back of my head as I slowly closed my eyes. She kissed the side of my head, holding her lips against my skin a little longer before pulling away.

Looking at her, she held my hands before looking down at them. I felt her run her thumbs against my knuckles then she looks up at me and slightly smiles.

"Micah.." She sighs before staring back down at our hands. "I'm sorry for the last month or so.. everything has been a roller coaster and I wanna apologize for everything-"

"Cameron, it's my fault also."

She shook her head. "No, Micah. It's mainly mine. The way I've been acting.. I can't help what goes on inside my head and I know you're trying your best in helping me." She sighs as she looks up at me. "Sometimes I don't think I need help. I don't think anyone cares enough to even help me so I dismiss the thought of being helped."

I held her hands tightly, looking at her. "I tend to forget the shit you're dealing with and it makes it harder on you and I'm sorry. I do... care about you, a lot."

She pulls my hands until I'm against her chest. Wrapping her arms around me, she holds me close then I heard her sigh.

"I love you, Micah. It's all behind us now. Things will get better from now on."

After a moment of being in her embrace, I heard the door open and we quickly parted from each other. She walked to her podium then we both looked towards the door as Cole walks in.

He smiles. "Good morning, Miss Bailey."

"Good morning, Cole."

Cole looks over at me and smiles. "Morning, Micah. I have something to show you." He waved me over to the table.

Walking over there, I stood next to him as he pulls out a folder then a piece of paper. He hands it to me while smiling, and it questions what I'm about to get myself into.

Looking at the paper, I really couldn't believe my eyes. I had to reread it twice to make sure that I was reading it right.

"The amount went up to twenty grand."

I looked up at him as he was smiling. "How? Why?"

He shrugs. "I have no clue. I heard them talking about it and they said something about the last race was going to be a little more advanced."

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