Chapter thirty six: Heated

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Shutting the door to my car, I look around at this place. It seemed like some kind of setting in a horror film. It had a creepy vibe to it but I really didn't let that bother me as I walked to the cabin located miles away from the town.

This place was secluded and far away from everything else. It seemed a little weird but shit like that gets into your head and I'm not letting that get into mine.

Knocking on the door, I waited until he opened it a little then shut it a moment after. He unlocked a lot of locks then opened it and welcomed me inside.

"It's freezing, yeah?" He asks.

I nod as I look around then at him as he locked the door. "Yeah, cold as fuck. I like your place."

He smiles then motions for me to sit. He sits at a computer and I sat down on a couch across from him. "Nice to see you, Micah. Haven't seen you in a while."

I've known this guy ever since I moved here. I also knew another hacker in high school, which is weird but it wasn't the same dude of course. It's just crazy that there's a lot of people like him out there and nobody knows cause they're hiding among everyone else.

The reason I found him was a little weird because I was dealing drugs at the time and I needed some information on a guy that was trying to set me up, so I found him then we become pretty good friends.

Never talked to him since and that was about five years ago when I first moved here.

"So," He leans back in his swirly chair and looks over at me. "what's up?"

I grab the camera from my hoodie pocket then gave it to him. "I need to find out who the hell this is on my camera." I watch as he looks at then then turns it on before plugging it up to his computer.

Standing behind him, I watch as he does some cool shit that I couldn't keep up with since my brain isn't that fast. It was cool as hell whatever he was doing but I had no idea what he was even doing.

After a few moments, he pulls that tape up and we watch it. When the guy on the tape moves his face towards the camera, he stops it then clicks a thing then another thing and the picture gets bigger.

"How old are you now, dude?" I ask.

After clicking something, he turns to look at me then smiles. "I'll be forty in a few months."


He starts clicking other things then he brings it closer and unblurs it before bringing it closer again where the guy's face is revealed.

"What the fuck." I lean towards the screen to see if I'm even looking at it right.

When the face unblurred, I saw Daniel standing in the middle of my living room.

I felt my blood boil at the sight of him. My fists were clenched and I was ready to fucking end his life.

Kody looks over at me. "You know him?"

I nodded then stepped away. "Yeah, my girlfriends crazy fucking ex- or whatver you wanna call him. They never dated." I crossed my arms as I stared at the screen. "I need to find him."

"Whoa," Kody said as he stood up. "don't do anything crazy, Micah."

I shook my head as I started pacing around the room. "You don't know, Kody. This guy is a fucking psychopath. He won't leave Cameron alone. He keeps saying shit like he wants his daughter but all the dude is doing is starting shit."

He stares at me. "Have you tried getting the police involved?"

"What's the cops going to do? Besides show up, write shit down like they give a shit then what? All they did was stand around my apartment when he first broke into it then they took notes and that's it. I haven't heard from them."

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