Chapter four: Representations

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My morning routines consist of basically what every normal person does; shower, rush around trying to find something to wear, fix my hair and on some days eat if I have time. I know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but sometimes I'm not really feeling it, so I skip it.

This morning, Jace was standing in the kitchen wearing his boxer shorts and flipping a pancake on the stove. I'm used to seeing him basically butt-ass naked because we've lived together for so long and we're both comfortable around each other. Sometimes I'll walk around in my bra and that's what I love about having a gay best friend slash roommate.

Walking to the fridge, I grabbed the gallon of milk then grabbed a cup from the cabinet, which was above where the coffee pot was. I sometimes drink coffee in the mornings, but other times I know that it'll make me super sleepy throughout the day, so I try not to drink it everyday.

I can't say the same about Starbucks because it's completely different. If I had a choice, I'd drink it morning, evening, afternoon and night cause it's life.

Basic white girl present.

After pouring me a glass of milk and placing it back in the fridge, I sat at the counter and watched Jace cook. I love the mornings where he's awake before I am, especially when I have classes because he cooks breakfast for me and it makes me feel special.

"I made some blueberry pancakes and chocolate. Not sure which one you want, but you're more than welcome to have both." He smiles as he places a plate in front of me, displaying a stack of pancakes with blue and black dots engraved inside of their fluffiness.

I decided to get both because I was hungry and I knew that if I didn't eat at least one, Jace would pout about it and I wouldn't hear the end of it. He's such an emotional person sometimes but other days he has a badass attitude.

As I was eating, he sat across from me and I watched as he placed six pancakes on his plate then drizzles chocolate syrup all over them. I looked down at my pancakes, which had chocolate syrup all over them as well. Not sure who doesn't like chocolate syrup on pancakes but in my opinion it's better than regular syrup.

Something about all the sugar, I don't know dude.

"Any big tests coming up?"

I shook my head. "I don't think any of my instructors are that mean. It's only the third day."

"You never know. Some people are mean."


I had a few instructors throughout the years that were mean as hell. Something about the women that are more mean than the men doesn't make any sense but mostly the mean ones were women.

After breakfast, I went ahead and finished getting ready. I woke up early so I had plenty of time to take my time and get my shit together. Not a fan of waking up late because I hate rushing around like I'm late for the fucking apocalypse and the world is being attacked my aliens.

Brushing my teeth, I stared at my reflection in the mirror and couldn't help but think of my past. The thought of my mom made my stomach turn and I quickly shut my eyes as the memories were trying to resurface but I quickly pushed them back down.

I finished in the bathroom then went to my room and grabbed my bag. I slung it over my shoulder, grabbed my phone from the nightstand then made sure I had everything. I did a little overlook around my room before disappearing through the door.

* * *

Making it to the college wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's normally a pain to drive through this traffic but I made it without having to flip anyone off or getting pissed off by city drivers.

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