Chapter thirty eight: Fire

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Rolling over, I open my eyes then quickly shut them as the light in the room was too bright. I stretched before trying to open them again but noticed I couldn't see since I had crusties in my eyes.

"Ugh, get out." I pressed my fingers in between my eyes then blinked a few times before looking over and seeing Cameron sitting up in bed with a book in her hands. I looked over at the clock on the bedside table and saw that it was a little after one in the morning. "Hey," I said as I looked back at her. She looks over at me and I stare at her for a moment. "what are you doing awake?"

She looks back at her book before flipping a page. "I don't sleep most of the time."

"Why?" I turn over to face her, looking up at her.

Shrugging, she looks over at me. "I do sleep some nights. Some better than others but I don't know." Looking at me for a moment, she touches my face then smiles. "Go back to sleep, Micah."

After laying there for a few minutes, I saw her place the book on the table as she stretched over me. She pulls the covers over her and lays down, facing me.

"Goodnight, Micah." Leaning over, she gently kisses me before leaning up and turning the lamp off.

Pulling me close to her, Cameron wraps her arm around me until I'm comfortably near her, listening to her heart beat before drifting off to sleep.


Jace kept laughing as I was running around trying to get ready. My dumbass self was late cause I slept in, didn't think I would actually do it but here I am running around my apartment.

Hopping on one leg while I was trying to put my pants on, Jace was dying of laughter as he was bent over in the middle of the kitchen.

I ignored him as I was trying to focus on my balance. I finally got my other leg in then I pulled my pants up and buttoned them.

"That was so funny." He chuckled.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed some bacon before smiling at him and shooting him a peace sign. "Bye hoe!"

I had to skip Starbucks this morning cause I was so damn late. I missed the first class and it was already the second class, which was Cameron's and I was about fifteen minutes late already.

Racing to school, I looked at the time the whole drive there. I really need to start setting my alarm instead of just chancing it because this is getting ridiculous.

Parking in a spot, I quickly grabbed my bag before running inside with a piece of bacon hanging from my mouth. I ran around the corner then slowed down until I reached her door.

Chewing the rest of the bacon, I swallowed then fixed my strap on my bag.

Opening the door, everyone looked at me as I made my way to the table in the back. I looked to the front and saw Cameron watching me, which I couldn't help but smile a little as I sat down and took out my notebook.

Nobody cares if you're late here, so of course she didn't ask any questions.

As the class went on, Cameron was explaining stuff and writing it on the board. I was taking notes and making sure I was paying attention. It wasn't that hard once I figured out what the hell she was talking about.

After writing a few things down in my notes, I look around the room before seeing Cole watching me. I gave him a confused look as he kept staring at me.

A few more minutes passed and Cole was still glancing over at me every once in a while. I was about five seconds away from punching him in his throat from all the way over here.

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