Chapter three: Night out

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"Where are you planning on eating out at? I mean, do you realize that half the places here are super expensive?" Jace kept bothering me about where we were going, money this and money that. Whatever else his mouth would say before his brain could think.

I just smiled at him as I backed out of the parking lot, trying to get onto the main road without getting hit by idiot drivers. I kept glancing over at him as he was staring at me, clearly wanting me to tell him before his head explodes.

"Um, well.. I made some reservations." I grinned.

Staring at me, he gave me a look. "Where at? Knowing you, probably somewhere super fancy and I'm not dressed right!"

Slightly laughing, I shook my head before looking at his attire. "You look fabulous. This place isn't strictly dress code anyways." I knew the perfect place that didn't include snobby rich people who look down at us because we're not upper class like there are.

As I was driving, I finally told Jace where we were going before he had a panic attack. He overreacts over everything, and when I don't tell him something then he loses his mind. I have to give in because he's super annoying when it comes down to it.

"The Melting Pot isn't exactly what I had in mind." Jace said as he was rubbing his chin. I kept glancing over at him every few seconds, wondering what was going on through his head. "Maybe like some nice sushi or something."

"Oh shit, whatever." I said as I focused on driving. Hearing him slightly chuckle next to me, I punched him in the arm real quick before looking back at the road.

After about ten minutes, we finally pull into the parking lot. I made sure to go slow, so that the front of my car doesn't scrap the dip that was to the entrance of the parking lot.

I found a parking spot then parked. Looking over, I saw Jace looking at me. I unbuckled my seat belt then stared at him. "What?" I ask as I reached for the door handle.

"You're so weird when it comes to your car." He shook his head as he opened the door.

As we both got out, I locked the doors then walked around the car to where he was standing. "That's my baby." I tell him, looking back at my car with a smile. "I don't want to damage it."

We walk to the front door of the restaurant. Jace opened the door for me and I walked in with him behind. "Yeah but you're the only person probably around here that's crazy about their car."

Shaking my head, I walked up to the waiter. "Table for two?" He asks as he's holding two menus in his arms.

"Yes. Reservation for Brooks." I said then saw him smile as he directed us to follow him. As we were following behind, I could see Jace staring at him, which he was making it obvious by the way he was practically drooling.

Nudging his arm, I smiled then shook my head as we came to a table. I sat down as Jace sat across from me. The waiter handed us our menus and I watched Jace as he smiled up at him.

"What can I get you to drink?"

I smiled up at him. "Water would be fine." Looking over at my best friend, I could see him looking through the menu as if he couldn't figure out what to get behind water or a soda.

"I'll have a sweet tea." He smiles. "A lemon on top." He popped the 'p' and I tried so hard to keep it together.

As soon as the waiter left, I look over at Jace, shaking my head. "You are really trying it, huh?" He gave me a confused look but I just laughed it off. "You're flirting game, bro. You need to like, chill. Plus, what if he's not gay?"

He stares at me for a moment, giving me a look before looking around then looking back at me. "I'm just trying to be nice to him. It doesn't matter if he's gay or not, I mean jeez."

"Being nice? Since when is 'oh and I'll have a sweet tea'," I flutter my eyes. "Lemon on top." I winked.

He crosses his arms. "I did not wink at him."

Smiling, I crossed my arms on the table, leaning towards him a little. "You smacked your lips."

He makes a face before the waiter comes back and hands us our drinks. He smiles at us. "So, have you decided on what to order or do you need a few minutes?"

I looked over at Jace as he looked back at me, then I smiled at the waiter and told him a few more minutes would be fine. I forgot that we were suppose to be looking through the menu, but instead I was annoying Jace about flirting.

After a few minutes of looking through the menu, the guy came back to take our orders. I was pretty fucking hungry, which wasn't a good thing because I ordered a lot of shit that I probably won't eat.

Jace ordered a good amount, and I'm not sure if he was doing it because I was paying or if he was really hungry. Either way, he knows that when I pay for our eat outs, that he orders a lot of shit to rub it in my face.

Oh, but I do the same when he pays for ours every once in a while. I know it drives him crazy and I do it so that he could know what it feels like when he does it to me.

Our friendship is amazing.

The food arrived and it looked so good. I could feel my stomach rumble as I stared down at the plate in front of me. I look over to see Jace already eating his, which doesn't surprise me since he's a man and they eat like fucking hogs.

I ordered some shrimp pasta, which was noodles with tiny shrimps mixed in with it. It was delicious with the sauce that was drizzled on top, I mean, nothing could possibly beat it and I'd be damned if I found something better than this.

We mostly ate in silence, nothing really interesting to talk about. He mentioned how classes were going and I told him the same thing every time; their great.

Jace knows about my goal in life. He knows everything about me, even my darkest secrets. We've been best friends since I moved here. We're inseparable. There's nobody else who gets me like he does, nobody in this world that I would ever spill my secrets to in fear that they'd run off with them.

He stayed knowing how much baggage I carry with me. He chose to stay even after everything I told him, because the guilt was eating me alive as I tried my best to hide behind the mask I always wear, but Jace broke through that mask and I ended up telling him my life.

I'm pretty sure he knows more than I do about how much I want to leave this place. I want to start over somewhere far away, somewhere nobody knows my name and start a whole new life.

Even after I moved here, which was about five years ago, I thought my problems would stay where they're buried. That wasn't the case at all. Those problems followed me all the way from Nevada to here in Florida.

The whole reason for me leaving was.. so many. Too many to count. I wanted to leave to erase the past and start anew. Go somewhere and start fresh like I was reborn with so many more options that I had before I made the life changing decision.

Leaving what I had behind doesn't affect me. It hardly ever crosses my mind. That's one of the reasons right there; move on and forget. Something that I am a pro at and that is why I wear this mask.

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