Chapter ten: It's an offer

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Ordering two Starbucks coffee this morning gained some very concerned looks my way but Jasmine didn't say anything when she handed them to me across the counter.

I thanked her as I grabbed ahold of both coffee's and started walking out the door. I ignored everyone who was watching me. It was none of their business.

I needed this shit more than ever right now. It was my weakness, my drug and I'm pretty sure if I was dying on my bed, someone could just pump coffee through my veins and I'll be fine.

Placing the coffee in the cup holders, I pulled out of the parking lot. I knew that I just had to make it through this day, then the next and so many more after this.


When I came back yesterday, I threw the shorts at Jace and locked myself in my room for about two hours. Of course he was concerned but I just told him that my mind was acting weird, so he didn't ask anymore questions after.

Reality really slapped me in the face yesterday and I wanted to cry, but I'm a weak bitch so I didn't. I just took several deep breaths and tried thinking of gay shit.

But of course, it all came back to Miss Bailey.

I held onto the coffee as I approached the building. I made sure not to bump into anyone in fear that I'll knock the coffee's out of my hands, then I really will have a reason to cry.

Someone held the door open for me and I thanked them as I walked in. Cold air instantly hit me as I walked through and down the hall. I wanted to sit in the student lounge and do some work before my first class, which is in about thirty minutes so I had plenty of time.

As I was walking, I walked past a classroom and instantly stopped when I heard Miss Bailey's voice. I leaned against the wall and eavesdropped on the conversation, which involved her on the phone.

"I understand. No, it's ok Lexie. I'm just stressed right now and not having someone to watch Brailyn is really messing up my schedule." She pauses. "I would take her, but it wouldn't be a date would it?"

When she said that, a chill went through my body. I wasn't sure if she was talking about herself or that girl Lexie, which I wasn't sure who the hell that was.

Damn, I need to stop this stalking shit.

I turned around, a little too fast and ended up running into someone. My coffee's spilled, but I didn't drop them. It just spilled on the floor, me and whoever was in front of me.

Looking up, I locked eyes with Cole. "What the hell, Micah? This was my favorite shirt." He pulls his shirt away from his skin then looks at me. "What are you even doing? Spying on Miss Bailey?"

"Can you shut the hell up? And no. I was- just shut up and move." I push past him and tried not to spill anymore as I made it to the student lounge.

I sat the coffee on the table and walked over to the napkins, grabbing a handful then walking back to the hall. I still saw Cole standing there which made me roll my eyes as I approached him.

Bending on the floor, I wiped the floor up. "You missed a spot." I looked up and saw Cole smiling at me.

"Shut up. Why are you still standing here?"

Before he could say anything, I saw Cole look somewhere and when I turned my attention to whatever, I saw Miss Bailey standing there looking at us. "What's going on?"

"Micah was eaves-" I quickly punched his shin and he bent over to rub the spot. He glared at me when we were eye-level, and I gave him the dirtiest look.

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