Chapter eight: A little funky

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"Don't forget your presentations are due Wednesday. Your group projects are due next Monday. I'm giving you all time to finish what needs to be done." Mr. Thomas looks around the classroom. "Don't make me regret it."

I looked at the computer screen as my work was displaying on the screen. I didn't do much but at least I'm not completely behind on anything. I'm just having a hard time focusing and it's really killing my flow.

Mr. Thomas pulls a chair up next to me and sits down. I look over at him as he was smiling at me. "I wouldn't be surprised if you were the first one to finish." He eyes the computer screen. "How far along are you?"

"Not far." I sigh. "But I'm getting there."

"It's not hard." He clarified.

Nodding, I look at the screen. "I know. I just have so much on my brain."

Mr. Thomas watches me for a moment. "Well, you know my door is always open and we're practically bffs, so.." I chuckle as I watch him. "you can talk to me whenever, Micah."

After he left, I lean back in my chair and placed my hands on top of my head. I sighed as I sat there as Miss Bailey started coming to mind. I wanted to hit my head every time she came to thought, but that would result in a concussion.

Which didn't sound so bad.

Once class was over, I knew I had Miss Bailey's class this time and I was a little nervous but I tried to swallow all my nervousness cause I know I wasn't a bitch when it came to this shit.

Taking my usual seat, my goal was to avoid eye contact. I could look up once maybe every twenty minutes so that averages out to be two times in this class period.

As I was sitting there, minding my business, Cole pulls up a chair and sits down next to me. I look over at him as if he was lost and gave him a confused look. "Can I help you?"

"Just wanted to come talk. We never talk."

"There's a reason for that."

He shrugs then pulls his notebook out of his backpack, which I quickly dismiss him and grab his wrist before he could get anything else out. "Don't even think about it, Cole. Go back to your seat before I give you an ass whoopin'."

He smiles. "You can try."

"I wouldn't need to try." I watch him for a moment. "Now go."

He grabs his things and stands before bumping the back of my chair as he walks by. I watch as he takes his seat at his table then glances over at me briefly. I continue to watch him as I wasn't sure what game he was playing, but I wasn't falling for it.

I took my notebook out as soon as I heard a voice which my eyes immediately met hers. She was standing in front of the class, looking around and I took this opportunity to let my eyes travel down her body.

"We will be going to the computer lab today to do some exercises. Grab your backpacks and follow me over there."

As instructed, we all followed Miss Bailey out of the classroom and down the hall. I kept my distance as I was behind everyone else, looking at the walls as we passed by.

We came into the lab and I heard Miss Bailey greet Mr. Thomas. In a brief second, I watched them before taking a seat at a computer, which was originally mine in the previous class.

I knew Mr. Thomas didn't have a class this period, so there wasn't anyone in here. I began logging onto the computer as Miss Bailey stood in front of the class and told everyone what to do.

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