You Feeling Me? (Normani and Teyana) Part 2

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"You are a petty Betty," my mother remarks the next morning.

I snort. "Maybe. But she brought it on herself."

I had blocked Draya on my phone and social media. Her punching me in the face was the last straw. See, that's what my mother doesn't know. If she knew that Draya had put her hands on me, Draya would be in the hospital. Real talk. So I decided to spare the details and keep it cute. For now, she just only knows the jealousy part. Draya's jealousy.

I really don't need the negativity in my life. I'm in the midst of the biggest role of my career, this is supposed to be a special time for me. I can't let people fuck it up. Toxicity is the best way to sum up my relationship with Draya and I can't and won't do it anymore.

Suddenly my assistant/cousin steals me and my mother's attention when she says aloud, "This bitch." Her eyes are glued to her phone.

"What?" Mom and I chorus.

We're in my dressing room right now just waiting until I'm needed on the set. My call was 5 in the AM, but shit, at least I'm working.

"What happened, Calandra?" I press.

"Alexis' build-a-body-ass being shady on Twitter." She clears her throat and reads, "'Watch that movie flop.' That's what she tweeted."

My mother and I look at each other.

"At least she's in a movie, your disease-ridden pussy is stuck on reality TV," Mom says.

I put my hand to my forehead and shake my head, but I know my mother, and she can be foul. Calandra's hand flies to her mouth in mirth, making me laugh.

Mom stands up and paces the room, trying to gather herself. "Not today Satan, not today!"

"Don't even work yourself up, mom," I reply, approaching her and putting my arms around her. "I expect no less from that ho."

Alexis was friends with Draya, so it wasn't surprising that she was coming for me.

I notice Calandra staring at me, like she's studying me or waiting for something.

"What? You okay, C?"

She shakes her head. "Nothing, you've just come a long way."

I snicker some. "Oh, you was expecting me to pop off."

Calandra laughs. "Exactly."

"I still might."

"Nooo. Michelle Obama it."

"Oh it's easy to go high when you deal with gutter bitches like that ho," My mother chimes in again, with a tight facial expression.

I decide to get some fresh air even though I'm not needed on set anytime soon. One of the PA's who I'm cool with, Charles, and I noticed each other at the same time.

"Oh hey," he said in his slightly feminine voice. "Did you eat?"

I tilt my head to the side and look up at his tall, skinny frame. "Now Charles. You should know by now that that was the first thing I did when I got here."

We toss back a few jokes and then Charles get distracted about something. A dreamy look sets on his face. I realize he's looking at Normani, who just walked on set in her velour purple outfit. She smiles and waves at everyone.

"Normani, hi," Dylan says. He's one of our cast members. He decides to be extra and gives her a long hug. His thirsty ass.

Dylan makes a show of checking her out. I roll my eyes. Funny how he can't perform like that when we're actually filming.

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