Working through (feat. Alexa Demie)

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Alexa as 'Amanda'

First person narrator:

I wasn't looking forward to going into work today. For the first time, I had to fire someone. It made me queasy, even if it was for the best. Don't get me wrong, I believe that if someone is fucking up, they should be terminated from the company. But I liked the person I had to fire.

She interviewed well, doing all the textbook things, presenting herself as someone who knew my company and the industry overall inside and out. She was personable and oozed confidence. We hit it off. I felt like I was talking to an old friend. Maybe that was the problem.

Interestingly, I'd been having a crap week and had considered rescheduling our interview. But I was glad I pushed forward because she made my day. She was good at that, making my day easier, enhancing my already amazing team.

Unfortunately, for the past month and a half, she's been fucking up. Often showing up late, under the influence, and making so many errors to the point that she was unreliable and getting into it with some of the other staff. She was becoming a nightmare. Sure, I'd pull her aside and ask what in the world was going on, but she'd just apologize and promise she'd do better, pleading for another chance.

Okay, you're probably calling me a simp. I don't blame you but hear me out. I found out she was having relationship problems. That was my weakness. Too many women go through hell in relationships whether it's abuse of any kind or cheating. She never confided in me about any of this no matter how many times I'd ask about her love life. But a few of my staff members seemed to know.

In the end, as much as I empathized with her, if she cared to do better at this job, she would.

I looked at my freshly pressed outfit for the day, choosing to drink my coffee before putting it on. Then my phone started ringing. The screen displayed 'Amanda.' My stomach lurched.

She must've been requesting a sick day.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hey, good morning." I could hear her masking her mood with an upbeat tone.

"Morning. Everything okay?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't come in today."

A part of my mind told me to tell her that she didn't have to come in today or another day.

The line stayed silent.

"You know I'd come in if I could," she said.

"Yeah, everything okay?"

"It's just some personal stuff," she said casually. "I'll be back tomorrow like nothing ever happened."

"...Amanda. I can't help but think this must be a sign, so I'm just going to tell you now. I have to let you go."

"Shit," I heard her hiss. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...."

"It gives me no pleasure to do this, but I have to."

She sighed. "I know my performance hasn't been amazing, but do I really deserve to be fired? Out of a whole year, I never called out sick until now. And now when I finally do, I get fired. Wow. Ya can't make this shit up, I tell you. " She chuckled bitterly.

I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I'm sorry," she said, sounding like she was pouting.

"I gave you multiple chances, Amanda. Put yourself in my shoes for a minute. You're telling me if you had an employee who's changed for the worst, you wouldn't release them?"

She didn't say anything, and I didn't wait for her to. "I have a business to run. I can't have fuck up's." Realizing how that could be taken, I added, "Fuck up's in general, not people."

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