The Date (Brandy & Whitney Houston)

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Brandy musters the courage to speak to the beauty sitting at the table. Their table. The seated woman must sense her presence because she looks up at Brandy. She smiles and says hi. Now Brandy feels like she can relax. She says hi back and begins to take her place at the table across from her date.

Confusion shows on the woman's face.

"Everything okay?" Brandy asks, her relief melting away.

"I'm just expecting someone," she explains politely.

Now Brandy is confused. "Who are you expecting?" She decides to start with that.

"My date. They better be here too." She smirks sassily at the latter and pours herself a glass of wine. "Want some?"

"No thank you," Brandy softly declines. "What is your date's name? Do you know?"

The wine stops pouring, she hesitates before laughing softly. "You know, I don't even know. It's supposed to be a blind date."

The silence is loud. Brandy now understands and judging by the other woman's widened eyes and gasp, so does she.

"Wait a second, who are you here for?"


She points at herself. "Me? You're my date? You know Countess?"

"Yes, yes, and yes." Brandy can't help but laugh. "Aw man, this is crazy. So it looks like she told us two different things..."

"Uh, yeah!"

"That's Countess. Wow, Whitney, I thought you knew."

"Nope. Sure didn't. That damn girl." Whitney shakes her head and stops herself from seeming like she's mad. "Sweetheart, I'm sorry. Had I known you were my date, I never would've treated you like that...what is your name?"


"Brandy. How old are you, dear?"


Whitney blinks and thinks, This is what I get for letting a 21 year old set me up!

Brandy laughs again. "What did Countess tell you?"

"She just told me the person has a good heart, is working, fun, charming, and that she thinks we're the perfect match."

"I'm all of those things." Brandy smirked.

"I bet you are, love, but you could be my daughter."

"So it's not my gender that bothers you? It's just the age?"

"Yes, the age. I guess that's what I get for leaving it up to Countess." She sighs and takes another sip of her drink, this time a longer one.

"I know I may be younger, but I'm grown. You should give me a chance."

"Have you ever been with an older woman?"


"No," Whitney answers for her, smirking. She then laughs.

"You can be my first. Have you ever dated younger? I take that as a no?"

Whitney nods affirmatively. "Right, I have not."

"I could be your first."

Whitney looks down for a second before locking eyes with her young, beautiful date. "Since we're both here, we might as well." She clears her throat. "Get to know each other, while we're here."

Brandy smiles.

They mingle at that table for almost three hours. Then they go to the movies.

"I had a great time," Brandy says in the night.

"So did I. You're a wonderful date."

"So does that mean you'll go on another? With me."

"With you? Most definitely. One hundred percent."

AN: I crack myself up!  xoxo

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