Off screen (Jonica T. Gibbs, Tetona Jackson, and Normani)

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Seneca's POV

Filming wrapped for the day so after wishing the cast and crew goodnight all at once, I went straight to my trailer and quickly changed out my costume. I probably didn't get rid of all my makeup because I only used one wipe, but I was going to shower once I got home anyway. It was when I slid my feet into my vans that someone knocked on my door.

That better not be who I think is.

And it was.

Sighing and rolling my eyes, I let myself pull the door open

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Sighing and rolling my eyes, I let myself pull the door open.

"Why're you looking at me like that? Not happy to see me?" She pouted, inviting herself inside and letting the door close behind her.

I knew she was just talking so I finished getting ready so I could get out of here.

"Did Lena seem off today?" she asked after just watching me.

I didn't answer right away because I was mentally making sure I had everything with me as I looked around. "Kinda. Probably was just having a bad day."

"She seems sad, though. I'm worried."

That got my attention. I could see the concern on her face. "Saba, I'm sure it's alright. She was in good spirits just the other day." I found myself even offering a little smile.

"Okay," she whispered, nodding. And just like that, she was wriggling her eyebrows and smiling impishly. "So, got plans tonight?"

I huffed. "What did I say?"

She acted like she was confused until realizing I wasn't going for it. Dragging her head back, she groaned in annoyance. "You can't have friends? What kind of partner do you have that you can't have friends or at least hangout with your co-workers?"

It wasn't that Normani didn't want me to have friends or not "hangout" with my co-workers.

Saba stared at me as though she was attempting to look into my soul. It didn't help when she got up from the couch and started towards me. I tried to remain as stoic as possible, stern even.

"Is she controlling?"

"What? No."

She studied me. "Don't lie. Is Normani controlling?"

I laughed and shook my head. "Saba, I'm not lying. You've got it all wrong about her. And I would never let anyone control me. No ma'am."

"Then, what's the problem? Why can't we go out anymore?"

This was the part that had me blushing. Involuntarily.


I listen as Normani vents to me about her work. She and her mother are at odds again, a constant. 

"I've been talking to other agents," she says, letting me see just how serious it is.

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