You're my Home (You and Janelle Monáe)

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"Babe, are you about ready to go now?"

You and Janelle were supposed to have a fun, night out, but you noticed she was stalling. She seemed more interested in watching this sci-fi movie on the TV. Her feet were kicked up and everything.

"Yeah," she replied patiently. But she didn't budge.

You shook your head to yourself and announced that you were going to use the bathroom before you two left. This was your third time. That was how much time had passed in between those bathroom trips.

You assessed your appearance in the mirror. You looked cute but unhappy. A minute later you returned downstairs to see, surprise, surprise, Janelle still watching TV in her white bathrobe.

"I guess you don't want to go," you said.

She finally looked at you, noticing just how vexed you were.

"It's cool, I'll find someone else to go with," you added, shrugging and turning your attention onto your phone.

You had a lot of contacts, but the reality was you only wanted to spend time with Janelle right now. You'd missed her and wanted to make up for lost time when she'd been traveling.

"Don't do that."

You ignored her and brought your phone to your ear, pretending you were about to have a call. You turned away and proceeded towards the staircase.


"Yeah, Brie? I'll see you soon, okay?" You played up this fake ass phone call.

You heard Janelle following you, so you put your phone down before you were found out. You did, ignore her presence, though.

"Y/N, don't be mad," Janelle said.

"I'm not."

"Yeah, right. Y/N, look at me."

"Why? You weren't looking at me downstairs. I might as well had not even been in the room."

"Now you're exaggerating."

"If you didn't want to go out, that's all you had to say." You flipped your palms face up.

"Hm. Interesting."

You raised an eyebrow. She looked back at you and smiled a little.

"What's interesting?" you asked.

"When I came back yesterday, all I wanted was to be home with you. It was all we talked about. But instead of waiting for me at the house, like we planned, you were at your parent's house. I said, alright, that's cool. Unexpected, but cool. They are your family and I love 'em too. But we stayed there all night-"

"We did not, we left by midnight."

"All night," Janelle reiterated.

"So you're mad because we were at my parent's house?"

"No, I'm not mad at that. I'm mad that you didn't communicate properly."

"How didn't I communicate properly?"

"At the last minute, when I was already in the car on the way home, you texted 'FYI, I'm at my parent's house.' You couldn't have updated me about the change in plans? It wasn't like there was an emergency."

"So there needs to be an emergency for me to visit my parents? And I did update you. You probably got my text late, but I sure as hell sent it."

Janelle closed her eyes. "I adore your family and I'm happy I saw them. I'm just saying that after a month of being on the road, I wanted to come straight home to you."

You understood Janelle's point. But there was a point you wanted to raise as well. "Yeah, but at the same time, I'm not always going to be just waiting around when you get done with work, I have my own career and life. Life happens even when you're not here."

Your girlfriend raised her eyebrows.

It might had sounded blunt, but you'd been harboring these feelings for some time. You never wanted anyone you knew to think that their schedule was any more important than yours.

"If you wanna stay in and sleep, I understand," you said, filling in the silence. You went to your vanity and started removing your earrings.

Janelle watched as you got unready. "Thought you were going out."

"I'm not feeling it," you replied after a beat. Just as you started to walk past her to go to the bathroom yet again, she pulled you back, albeit without force. Guilt began to seep into you when you saw the sadness clear as day in her face.

"I won't sleep 'til we make this right," she said.

Janelle turned off the TV downstairs and the both of you got in bed and had a heart to heart.

"I thought you were mad at me 'cause I was busy," Janelle confessed.

You couldn't flat-out deny that. Even though you understood that sometimes she wouldn't have time for you, it wasn't always easy to accept, which made you stubborn at times.

"I could have given you a better welcome back," you admitted.

"Yeah you could. I thought I was getting some," she joked.

You laughed and she shrugged, with her closed-mouth smile.

"You might get some now." You smirked a little, stealing kisses on her cheek and jaw.

She looked down through her lashes, enjoying the affection, her thumb caressing your knuckles.

Her eyes then moved to yours. "Baby, as long as I'm with you, I don't care where we're my home." 

You smiled and shared a couple of pecks, tangling yourselves together.

"You...were... never...going out... without me...were you?" she said knowingly in between kisses.

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