Wavy Encounters (Beyoncé aka Sasha Fierce & Janelle Monáe)

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Sasha was baby-sitting but she got to enjoy the beach while working. Her nephew Jody was restless, so she opted to get him out of the house. After presenting him with the options of going to the park, movies, or beach, he picked the latter. A water lover, she was satisfied with his choice. Fortunately, there were other kids at the beach he could play with. And play he did. She kept a watchful eye on him as she used her phone to read, text, and play a game.

"Jody!" she had to call every now and again, to ensure he didn't stray too far.

"I think this is yours," someone said.

Being that Sasha didn't recognize the voice, she didn't think the person was talking to her. But something told her to look up anyway. She had the attention of a brown woman in a white and black polka dot bikini with long jet-black braids. Her beauty almost caught Sasha off guard.

Getting past her attractiveness, Sasha noticed that the woman was also holding a small bright green ball.

Sasha held out her hand to take it. Sure enough, Jody's name was written on it, in case he lost his toy.

"It is mine," Sasha realized, smiling, "well, my nephew's...thank you."

"No problem."

"I didn't get your name."

The woman smirked softly. "Janelle. Yours?"


They continued to gaze at each other until Jody stalked over, holding a pail of water. He dumped the contents on Sasha's head.


The boy laughed. "You didn't want to get in the water, so I brought it to you."

Sasha coughed and spit, tasting the saltwater.

"That wasn't nice," Janelle said to Jody. She picked up a towel and put it around Sasha, whose eyes were watery and red.

"It's just water." Jody noticed his aunt was in no laughing mood. "Love you, auntie." He took off running.

"You okay?" Janelle asked, easing a few fingers down Sasha's cheek.

"I'm gonna break his neck."

"Yeah, I'm there with you." Then she laughed. "No. Kids will be kids, right?"

"Yeah, but that mess got in my mouth."

"I was gonna ask if you had water..." Janelle said, watching Sasha go into her bag and fetch a water bottle. She watched the woman take a few gulps. "Better?"

"I guess." Sasha looked at the sparkling blue water, where she kept a distance. She coughed again and Janelle rubbed her back, making her smile inwardly. "Where you from?"

"Atlanta. I'm here visiting. You?"

"Who are you visiting? And I'm born and raised here." Sasha was a little disappointed that this intriguing stranger wasn't from here. But it made sense. She didn't meet a lot of people who impressed her in this town.

"My aunt, she recently moved down here."

"How sweet."

Janelle smiled. "Yeah. I'm in town for another two days."

"You are? That's good." Sasha smiled at her.

"It's good? So does that mean you wanna see me again?"

Sasha chuckled and put out a hand. "I mean, it depends. Are you taken?"

Janelle looked at her dully. "If I was, I wouldn't be over here right now, interested."


"What, you don't believe me?"

"People do lie about these things. But I'll take your number or whatever." She opened up Add New Contact on her phone and handed it to Janelle.

"I'm not people. What about you? You better be single talking all this stuff."

They laughed.

"For you, yes, I am single," Sasha replied, laughing at Janelle's perplexity.

"What does that mean?"

"You know how it is, girl. You tell everybody you're single just because they ask?"

A smile spread on Janelle's face understanding her point. "I get it now. Selective availability."

She is fine and I like her personality so far, Janelle thought.

"Yes, selective availability. I don't know about you, but I wanna get in the water now." She removed the towel from her frame.

Janelle huffed out a laugh. "Go for it."

Sasha stood and held out a hand for Janelle to take, effectively pulling up the shorter, thick woman.


There was heat behind their gaze and hand-holding.

"You coming?" Sasha spoke up, finally releasing her hand.

"Absolutely. We gotta get Jody back."

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