Consequence (remix, Rihanna and Normani)

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"Rob, I'm sorry," Ally explained sympathetically. "Onika is a little crazy."

"So am I," Robyn said. She smiled when Ally only nervously giggled.

Present day

"The girls are here! I recognize four of them," Simone exclaimed to Robyn.

Robyn walked out of her office and with Simone to the front of the store. Simone, one of Robyn's favorite employees and sales associate, discreetly pointed out a selected group of customers in their store. While Robyn appreciated the information, she was only interested in one patron and she did not see her anywhere.

"This is excellent," Robyn said. "Let me know when she shows up." She showed Simone a picture of Normani, the girl from Ally's party, from her Instagram account from her phone.

Simone nodded. "I remember. I got you, don't worry."

Robyn was reassured that Normani would come. She was a regular Fenty customer, though she mostly shopped at the company online. It was why Robyn pulled a special local sale at the last minute. She had her staff contact some of their best local customers and treat them with a big in-store only sale. 70% off. No girl who loved makeup and beauty would turn that down.

What Robyn was mainly concerned about was Onika accompanying Normani. Neither women knew she was the manager, but Robyn knew, especially judging from Onika's appearance and social media feed, that Onika too was a cosmetics fan. She would hold her own if she did come face to face with the rude Onika, but she would much rather see Normani.

"When is Normani coming?" Robyn started to text Ally when she heard Simone's voice.

"She's here."

That was all Robyn needed to hear. She double checked the security cam and sure enough spotted Normani browsing an aisle.

Robyn stood and walked with confidence. She smiled at the other ladies and girls of different ages in her store and casually made her way where her person of interest was. Normani was in deep concentration as she compared two highlighter sets.

"You should try both," Robyn suggested without making eye contact. When she felt the girl's eyes on her that was when she locked eyes. She flashed Normani a closed mouth but nonetheless pretty smile.

Normani bared her pearly whites in her own dazzling smile. "Yeah, I was thinking of doing that...wait."

Robyn's smile faded and she looked at the other, concerned. "What?" But the answer was obvious. Normani was staring at her like she thought she recognized her.

I'd be offended if she didn't remember me, Robyn thought.

"You look so familiar," Normani spoke her mind.

"Yeah?" Robyn smiled again, her green eyes roving over the pretty, chocolate girl before her. "You do too."

Normani suddenly got serious. Robyn noticed her squeeze her makeup. "You're the girl from the party..."

"I go to a lot of parties."

"Ally's party," Normani quipped.

Robyn smiled again and casually observed her surroundings. She faked a little laugh. "Yeah, I thought you looked familiar too. How did you know I work here?"

"I didn't."

"Are you sure I didn't tell you?"

Normani looked away and down at the highlighters in her hold. "Where can I try these out?"

"Oh, just over to the far right. Follow me."

Robyn had Normani sit down and then she found those same highlighters and got prepared to make Normani up.

"You're doing it?" Normani said, not looking too pleased.

"Yes, is that a problem?"

Normani just blandly shook her head no.

Robyn needed her to relax, though. "Pretend I'm pampering you..." she said, using a wipe on Normani's face. Every now and again she made a little joke that amused Normani and she made sure to compliment the girl's beautiful skin. But she mostly wanted Normani to feel comfortable, so she didn't say too much.

Robyn knew some things about the girl as it was. Normani went to university on a track scholarship and when she wasn't doing makeup and fashion hauls on YouTube, she was a receptionist. Her crazy ass girlfriend was a real estate agent.

"And we're done..." Robyn said and watched Normani check out her reflection in the table mirror.

"I like this one more," she decided, smiling. "What do you think?"

"I like both."

"Do you really or are you just saying that?"

"Of course I just want your money."

Her staff members who were in reach laughed.

"No, really, you should get both, but it's up to you...and remember we have this sale, so," Robyn said. She then looked at her girls and waved them over. "Ladies, doesn't Normani look gorgeous in both Imagine and Perplexed?" she showed Simone and company the images of Normani on her phone. Of course they all agreed.

Robyn noticed Normani and Simone seemed to share a look. It was obvious to the store manager that Simone found the girl attractive and perhaps Normani thought she was too.

Normani stuck around. She and another customer were engrossed in conversation. It was one of Robyn's favorite things about her business. Bringing women together. And men were also some of her favorite demographics as well.

"Have a good day, cutie," Robyn said, giving Normani her shopping bag.

Normani averted her gaze. "You too."

To be continued, Robyn thought, watching the girl leave.

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