Comfort in you (Saweetie and Beyonce)

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AN: This is very long lol. 

Saweetie as Chanel


"Lisa? It's Chanel." There was an uncertainty in Chanel's voice as she announced her presence at her boss's door. "Hello? You okay in there?" she persisted when the other side remained quiet.

"If I'm not answering, take a hint!" Lisa shouted.

Chanel recoiled before shaking her head. "Do you still want your latte?" She waited a couple more seconds before walking away with the hot drink in her hand.

As soon as she turned, Lisa's door finally opened, revealing a white-haired, middle aged Caucasian woman.

"Give me my latte," Lisa spat.

When Chanel returned to her cubicle, she robotically opened her trusty notepad and reviewed her to-do list. More spreadsheets and mailings. In five months of working at Prime Books, Chanel realized that publicity was far from what she imagined. Instead of media-training clients and accompanying them to their interviews, assisting with Prime Books' social media accounts, and writing press releases, she created spreadsheets, responded to book requests, completed mailings, and picked up food and drinks. In other words, grunt work. It didn't help that her boss was a raging bitch.

Each morning except for Fridays, Chanel had to force herself out of bed and remind herself that she liked money. She was on the countdown with a plan to exit in another six months at most. Some of her co-workers were nice enough and they helped Chanel get through the day, but she knew she deserved more. She deserved to work at a place where her ideas were encouraged, and her talents were utilized.

As Chanel got to the 75th line in a Microsoft Excel document, she noticed an email alert pop up from one of the workers in her department.

Hi Chanel,

Can you please go to Giselle in sales and grab the extra billboard for CAT LITTERER?



Chanel didn't want Lisa to get mad when she didn't see Chanel at her desk or felt she was taking too long to answer her email, so she begrudgingly went to Lisa's office. "Lisa? I'm handling a task for Hannah, so if you need me, I'll be up in sales."

Of course Lisa didn't respond.

At least I'll get to see Giselle, Chanel thought as she rode the elevator. Hopefully the woman was here today.

As she proceeded past the various cubicles and the occasional staff member in passing, Chanel forced smiles, wanting to stay professional. She went to Giselle's office only to find the door closed and light turned off. What little energy Chanel gained from seeing Giselle just deflated.

"Hi Chanel," a sales professional greeted as they slid in their seat at their cubicle. "Looking for someone?"

"Hi Todd. I need to pick up a billboard from Giselle, but it looks like she's not here."

"Sometimes she has late lunches."

Chanel nodded. "Oh okay."

"I'll tell her you came by."

"Thanks, Todd. 'Preciate it."

"Yeah, no problem." He cracked a smile.

Chanel smirked to herself as she felt him check out her ass as she walked away. She was not in the least bit interested in him nor any man for that matter. But no one knew that.

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