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(Y/N): Your Name 

(Y/M/N): Your Mother Name

(Y/F/N): Your Father Name 

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''I often don't talk about my past because I get flashbacks when I do.''

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A KNOCK CAME from the door as I put the pie down on the table. 

''I'll get it!'' I said to my mother who was working on the crust of the pie. 

I opened the door quickly as I saw my father standing there, bags in his hands. ''Hey, Dad!'' I said with a smile as I hugged him. 

''Hey, sweetheart,'' my father said hugging me. ''Mom's in the kitchen,'' I said, taking the bags out of his hands. 

''Thanks, sweetheart,'' he said as he walked to where my mother was. 

''Hey, love,'' my mother greeted him. I placed the groceries on the table as they conversed. 

''What are we making?" he asked. I smiled brightly. ''Pie. Your favorite,'' I said. 

They both smiled as I worked on the pie filling.


A noise came from outside as we were finishing up dinner and the dishes. 

My mother and father shared a look as he nodded over towards me. 

''Come on, (Y/N). Let's go,'' my mom said as she quietly placed the dishes in the sink and came to me. 

''What's going on?" I asked as a burn came onto the left arm, but I pushed the feeling away and focused on my parents. 

''Come on, sweetie,'' my mother said as she grabbed my forearm and took me upstairs into a closet. 

''What's going-'' but my words were cut off as a large noise from downstairs, followed by my father's scream. 

I gasped, and a silent tear fell from my mother's eye. 

Footsteps, heavy ones, came up the stairs as I put my hand on my mouth, afraid to even breath. 

The footsteps disappeared, so I let out a quiet, shaky breath, but then the door was ripped off.

 A tall man stood in front of us dressed in black, but I could perfectly see the silver that rested on his left arm. 

My mother screamed as she was pulled up by her throat, but I was paralyzed with fear and sadness as I sat on the floor staring at her. 

I couldn't register her gagging as I stared at the man in front of me, but I did register when my mother fell to the ground. 

The blue eyes pierced through my soul as my left arm burned. I cried out as anger and destructive emotions tore through my body. 

His left arm reached out to touch me, but he flinched back. 

He glared at me as he walked away, my mother lying dead on the ground. 

My eyes lit up at the sight of bright light in my room and my hand was drawn to it.

It came closer, and when it touched me, pain washed over me. It felt like I was getting stabbed in the back. 

It hurt me more as marks on my skin started to burn, along with pain and sadness. 

The last thing I heard was the roar of a motorcycle as my house door opening forcefully. 


''What is she?" a voice asked. 

''I've never seen anything like it,'' another voice said. 

My eyes open as more voices talked. A weight was heavy on my back as I groaned loudly, both in pain and the feeling of waking up.

''She's waking up!'' someone yelled. Some as if the weight was lifted, and the group of people gasped. 

I got up off the table I was sitting on as I ran out the door, some people being pushed into walls. 

I was yelled after as the pain rested on my back and I felt something go through my side. 

Just run, the words circled through my head as I did so. 

It hurt, but I had to keep running. 



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𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now