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(Y/N): Your Name 

(F/N): Father Name

(M/N): Mother Name

(E/C): Eye Color

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''I am not looking to escape my darkness.

I am learning to love myself there.''

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(Y/N)'s parents knew she was different from the moment she was born. 


While (M/N) was in labor, it scared the doctors and her parents how quiet she was when she had come out. 

Her large (E/C) eyes stared into her mother's, her father's, and then finally to the doctors. At first, they thought she was born a mute until a smile grew across her dace, undecipherable words coming out of her. 

For most of her life, she always knew that she was different. It was nothing anyone had to explain to her.

On the first day of kindergarten, she remembered the day she walked into class, arms and half of her thighs not covered so all her soulmates were on display. 

How her teachers and some of the children's parents would go on about how extraordinary and amazing it was to have so many marks on her skin.

(Y/N) always put a smile on her face, but she knew what they meant when they said something like to her. You don't learn anything from being prodded from doctors since you were 2. 

What a freak.

She'll probably die before she meets all her mates. 

As if she meets any of them! 

For those reasons, (M/N) and (F/N) decided to move out of the country. Germany, to be exact.

They stayed there for 3 years, but when (Y/ N) had turned 5, a few days later her parents had moved them back to the States, much to her dislike. 

In elementary school, it wasn't better. Often being ridiculed for it. Being the 'new kid' didn't give you many options to roll with when you appear in the middle of the school year, a large soulmate mark covering your whole arm. 

However, despite everything, (Y/N) was determined. She worked her ass off to impress and please her parents. 

In fact, it was why (Y/N) and (M/N) were making the pie. To surprise her dad who loved the dish, but to also reward (Y/N) for working hard. 

It was hard for her to cope with the fact she had seen her mother and fact die in front of her on a day that was supposed to be good. It made her feel worse being the person that killed them wasn't aware, and she loved them deeply. 

When (Y/N) ran out of the lab she was in, it took her about 30 minutes for her to see the large black wings on her back and 8 minutes to recover from the shock. 

''(Y/N)?" a voice called, snapping the woman out a bad walk down memory lane. 

''Yes?" she asked, her (E/C) eyes flicker to the unnatural color purple. The team stared back at her for about 2 seconds before Stephen began talking.

"You spaced out. No irises, no pupil and they were blue and purple. Are you okay?" he said, studying his soulmate closely, noting how and why her eyes would change color every so often. 

''Nothing. Just think of my parents,'' she said smiling but missed some of the small frows to come from the team. 

The woman yawned lowly as she brought her knees to her chest, closing her eyes while she sat on the couch. The illusions she was wearing was draining her energy and fast. 

The was until something wrapped around her shoulders, causing her red eyes to open. 

It was Stephen's cape-cloak? Whatever it was, it wrapping tightly around (Y/N), but not too tight to hurt her. 

''What is this?'' she asked the sorcerer, slightly worried about what it was doing to her. Whatever it was doing, it was easing her nerves. 

"The Cloak of Levitation,'' Stephen said. ''They sense emotions and distress.'' Stephen was slightly amused by how adorable yet uncomfortable she was. 

''Does it usually do this?" Loki asked, not use to seeing the cloak on anyone but Tony and Stephen. Bruce shrugged. "Stephen is her soulmate. It would make sense if she had a bond with it as well.''

The cloak unwrapped itself from around (Y/N) but remained on her shoulders. 

As everyone began to leave her floor (except for Morgan who insisted on staying), they all gave her a bit of contact, something that was all vital for them. 

Some of them squeezed her shoulder. Others touched her arm or head, but none of it had fazed (Y/N) who liked the affection. 

She was different, but they loved her for it. 



𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now