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(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Color 

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''Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.''

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MORE OF THE Asgardian people began to kneel after that, including the children who were running around or in the crowd. 

''Um... what?" she asked confused, looking down at Aleksander who remained on his knees. ''G-Get up!'' she stuttered, her face beginning to flush. 

At the command directed towards him, Aleksander stood up, the fear was still evident on her face, something that worried the woman. 

''What the hell was that?" she asked, her voice still shaking. Thor's grip on his soulmate's waist tightened for the way she sounded, as well as his mark that burned uncomfortably. 

''It would deem... best if we talked in somewhere more private, doesn't it?'' Aleksander said, motioning the team to follow him. (Y/N) and the others complied but she wouldn't shake the uneasiness. 

''Bearer of the mark, Bringer of Death. Welcome.''

He said it with such fear in his voice. A long time ago, it wouldn't have been so strange to hear someone so full of fear speak. She did kill Hydra before she met her soulmates. They always begged for their lives.

They were all pussies. 

But what did he exactly mean by the bear of the mark? Does he mean the mark on her backs since she was 10 years old?

''You're thinking too much,'' Wanda said, moving to walk alongside her girlfriend's thoughts were practically screaming at her. 

(Y/N) sent her a nod, but kept moving forward, following the old man. Every now and then, she would catch Aleksander and Stephen out of the corner of her eye looking at her with worry, but she paid no attention towards that. 

The large group arrived at the dome-like palace. It had a powerful put to it that was similar to magic but felt different towards (Y/N), like it didn't want her to enter. In return with the interaction, (Y/N)'s eyes flashed gold before she sneezed. 

''What is this place?" Steve asked, his eyes scanning over shelves filled with books, scrolls, and other dusted objects.

''This is the Asgardian library or as much as we can get from when it was destroyed. It's filled with books from across realms and scrolls centuries before I was born,'' Aleksander answered him. 

His eyes flashed to (Y/N) for a quick second before looking back to Steve. ''It's a Holy library, for the most part, so everything you find will date back over thousands of years before Asgard was even a thing. You'll find your answers for the Bearer here.''

Before anything else could be said, (Y/N) unfolded her wings before flying upward. Large black feathers fell in the air and onto the floor as she left. 

Alek waved his hand. ''She'll be fine,'' he said, taking note of the team's worried expressions. She's just confused.'' The redhead assassin sent him a glare. 

''What did you mean by ''Bringer of Death'' earlier?" she hissed, causing Clint to put his hand on his mate's shoulder before she ending up the poor old man. 

The old Asgardian looked confused and slightly fearful. "She bears the Claw of Death, does she not? Therefore, she is the Bringer of Death.''

Yeah, the team knew (Y/N) had a life filled with bloodshed and torture, it was no secret. But the thing about all of that murder was that it was all Hydra. All of them deserved the death that was brought onto them. 

''When I saw the mark, I thought it had been fake. That was a story that had been told to us a story we read to bed,'' Loki scoffed. 

''Hold on, hold on. What exactly is the 'story'?" Clint interrupted the conversations between the Asgardians.

Thor huffed. ''The Claw of Death is a symbol and sign to recognized the Bringer of Death in her passing. The Bringer of Death is Persephone, the wife of Hades, the Greek god,'' the god of thunder hissed. 

''But (Y/N) isn't a goddess or married,'' Bruce stated. He would know if (Y/N) was. Any one of them could tell you that. (Y/N) could be read like a book if it was by the right people. 

''In a way... she is,'' Stephen said, eyes now focused on him. ''Persephone is the Goddess of Spring, (Y/N) can basically control every element if it's used by a strong emotion. They are similar,'' he stated. 

Aleksander nodded at his knowledge. ''Persephone was cursed with the ability to be born again. In different times and in different places. She lived different lives, but they all ended the same.''

''And what exactly is that?" Pietro asked who had a comforting hand on Wanda's shoulder her lips fell to a frown and eyes glowed red, reading his and Stephen's mind. 

''She dies after mass genocide.''


She wasn't a bird, I can tell you that.

She just happened to like sitting in very high trees away from the rest of the world. I mean, who could blame her with all the shit she was going through?

(Y/n)'s head darted downward on instinct as she could hear a branch snap from under and near the tree she was currently residing in. Her wing protectively rested behind her as she looked down. 

Her (E/C) eyes met familiar grey ones looking back at her. She had to resist the urge to snap Zackariah's neck as a smirk was on his lips.

''I heard you were having some problems figuring out who and what you are,'' he said, getting a narrowed, yet wary glare to come from her as she nodded. 

''Maybe I could help.''



𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now