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(Y/N): Your Name

(H/C): Hair Color

(E/C): Eye Color

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''I love meeting you because then I get to walk away from all the bad memories.''

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THE FLOOR CRUMBLED as (Y/N) walked on the ground, screams of people falling through the cracks echoed throughout the Hydra facility.

''Huntress,'' the Hydra leader of the building said breathlessly as he pushed himself into the cement wall.

Her (H/C) hair dangled between her eyes as she held her hand out, turning it into a fist as she began twisting organs and whatnot.

''Huntress,'' a stern voice said from behind her as a mark on her abdomen burned intensely.

''Hello, Mr. Rogers,'' (Y/) said with a playful wink. Her (E/C) eyes quickly turned into a blue haze with light dots in them as she looked him up and down.

The Hydra leader in front of them both let out a choked laugh. ''Huntress and the Avengers working together? What a-''

He didn't get to finish his sentence as his organs were twisted so tightly that they exploded inside of him, blood oozed from his nose and ears. (Y/N) snickers loudly then turned around.

Steve sighed. ''We need information from him,'' he said. (Y/N) shook her head. ''You have everything in their database. I didn't get a chance to clean it, though,'' she said, gesturing to all the dead bodies around them.

The pair walked towards to office, (Y/N) making sure to stay a good distance away so she didn't touch her mate.

''To be honest, I'm surprised you haven't taken me in yet,'' (Y/N) said, effortlessly creating a few large cracks in the wall here and there.

''Trust me, Fury wants you in a cell at the bottom of the ocean, but we can't find anything about you,'' he told her.

(Y/N) smiled under her mask. ''One of my many specialties,'' she said proudly.

Suddenly, different marks on parts of her body began to burn. She groaned loudly as she stared at the supersoldier.

''Captain, was this a trick?" (Y/N) said as she began running towards to office, needing to get those files before anyone else found them.

The footsteps only got louder as she ran. Using her powers, she slammed the door being her as chairs began to put themselves in front of it.

Digging through the many sand-colored folders, she found the one with her name on it in large bold font right under the Hydra symbol.

''AHA!'' she yelled, but then the metal door burst open, a redhead and the special man in red and gold in her field of vision.

''oH sHiT, gOtTa BlAsT,'' she screeched, hopping out the window of the 2-story building, the folder tightly in her hands as she ran through the dark fuckers.

''Bye mates!''




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