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(Y/N): Your Name

(L/N): Last Name

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Color

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''Don't you worry your pretty little mind.

People throw rocks and trouble things that shine.''

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BUCKY AND (Y/N) held each other for a little while longer before he got out of bed, telling his soulmate that he was getting called out for a mission with Sam, which she understood. 

She laid nude in the middle of the bed, wrapping in sheets and light covers before she heard the sound of whooshing come from beside her. 

Looking beside her, her (E/C) eyes met with vibrant blue ones. Smiling, she leaned up, slightly covering her nude body as Stephen crossed the room and over to the bed. 

''Goodmorning,'' he said. His cloak, which Peter and (Y/N) named Levi, wrapped around her shoulders, snuggling her with more warmth. 

''Hi, Stephen,'' she greeted as she crawled out of bed to hug and kiss her soulmate. ''How the sanctum going?'' she asked as she went towards the bathroom, Stephen and the cloak following. 

''The best its ever been in a while Are you busy today?" he asked at (Y/N) hopped into the shower. As she did so, Levi flew back onto Stephen's shoulders. 

''No, why?'' she asked as she began to wash. Stephen had some self-constraint to not join her and pin her against the shower all and fucking her senseless. 

''I plan on taking you to the sanctum. Maybe teach you some spells and finally introduce you to Wong,'' he stated, getting a satisfying hum to come from the woman bathing herself, agreeing with the plans. 

''Give me 10 minutes.''


(Y/N) stepped out of her room and into the hallway. She was dressed in a black and red crop top with bright blue jeans as she made her way to the main floor where Stephen and the rest of the team were relaxing. 

Walking out toward them, the cloak immediately latched itself onto her shoulders, making her have a Little Red Riding Hood appearance without the actual hood. Stealing a few pieces of bacon from Clint, she walked over to Stephen. 

"You ready to go?" he asked, getting a nod to come from (Y/N) who was currently stuffing her face with bacon. 

''Where are you two heading?" Pietro asked, speeding over to rest his hands on (Y/N)'s hips and placed a kiss on her cheek gently. 

''We're heading to the sanctum,'' she told the speedster, rubbing light circles on the back of his hands. ''We'll be back in a bit,'' she told them as Stephen opened a portal and held his hand out. 

Grasping his hand and stepping through, she was met with the beautiful staircase that led upstairs and the patterned the decorated the floor underneath her. The large red eye the stood out in the middle fascinated her. 

A man dressed in similar robes and draped approached the two with a green book in his hands. The center of the book looking familiar to the woman. 

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now