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(Y/N): Your Name 

(E/C): Eye Color 

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''By the glare of false science portrayed, that leads to bewilderment and dazzles the mind.''

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(Y/N) GLARED DAGGERS, or at least tried to, at the strangers in front of her. Everyone seemed to fucking know who she was but she didn't even recognize a damn name. 

Her eyes were filled with tornadoes of rainbows, sprinkled with white dots that represented the stars and galaxies light-years away, all in the background of her eyes. 

The air was thick with unwanted, but cautionary tensions. It was clear everyone and anyone from both sides wanted to speak, but it seemed at the moment that if anyone would move or speak, it would result in someone lashing out. It was very clear that none of them wanted that. 

Almost like a predator, her eyes snapped around her surroundings. Standing next to Ruby was Loki, so when she scanned over her friend and moved over a body count, her heart got caught in her throat at the sight of him. 

As soon as her eyes landed on Loki, it felt as if he was ripping into her soul as his tore into her devouring every sense of emotion behind her rainbow-bedazzled (E/C) orbs. Dreams from when he spotted the raven-hair man swam around her head and even replayed right before her eyes.

''(Y/N)...'' a short-haired brunet with a peach-fuzz said lowly breathlessly. She inhaled sharply once upon seeing him, the brown eyes she made contact with making her abdomen burn so much intensity. 

Out of one of her many habits and defense mechanisms, she buried her (annoying but wanted) feelings, causing her eyes to go dark, the rainbow galaxies she had trapped in her eyes dimming in opacity. 

''Let's go home and we'll figure out whatever,'' she struggled to find the word for a moment, ''this problem is,'' she said coldly as she made her way to the large quinjet that said in a (suspicious and convenient) flat grass-patch of land.

The rest of them stood there with dumbfounded looks on their faces as she walked around them and onto the quinjet. Her soulmates could see that vines begin to creep on her leg as she went, and there was no doubt the would be creeping into crevices when they all boarded the jet. 

Lola pushed a strand her hair beyond her shoulder and onto her back. ''Well, that went better than I expected,'' she said with an awkward laugh. Natasha narrowed her eyes at her. 

''How much worse could it be?" she challenged with her arms folded. Ruby shook her head. 

''You don't want to know. It gets ugly.''


When the quinjet finally landed, (Y/N) was the first to get off. The tension was becoming so thick that it began to suffocate her and didn't plan on letting go any time soon. However, (Y/N) was stubborn and if she didn't want to talk about it, she wasn't going to until she felt like it.

Ms. Carson sat in the living room seated by the fireplace as the group entered the house. (Y/N) headed straight to her room looking like an angered teenager who just got caught and returned home from sneaking to a party. Most of the flinched as her spruce door slammed and echoed throughout the haven. 

''I need something to drink. Something strong,'' Tony said, his hand on his head as he landed on the couch, his head was thrown back out of exhaustion and another emotion he didn't feel like explaining. 

It seemed like the she hated them- well, didn't want anything to do with them all over again. Of course, she hadn't said anything to them yet and had her moments of hesitation when it came to them, but rejection still hurt. 

Matthew coughed awkwardly into the silent room beside the crackling fire that seemed disappointed with them. 

''So you are welcomed to spend the night.''




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