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(Y/N): Your Name

(L/N): Last Name 

(E/C): Eye Color 

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''Have you ever been scared of someone meant to protect you, 

yet loved them at the same time? 

Unless it's God,

that's called abuse.''

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LEANING ON SLEIPNIR, (Y/N) listened to the story Loki told her about his mother Frigga and asshole father Odin. 

Adjusting where she laid on the grass, (Y/N) looked up at the sky to where the sun seemed to start to set. 

''We've been here for some time, then, haven't we?" Loki spoke through the silence, stopping all thoughts that were going through (Y/N)'s mind. 

Looking over to the mate beside her, she nodded, her actions not catching up with her mind. ''I should go,'' she told the prince. 

Unknowning to (Y/N), the Asgardian frowned but turned away so his mate wouldn't see it on his face. 

''I suppose, love. Would you like me to take you back home?" he asked, holding his hand out to (Y/N) after standing up himself. 

Her eyes flashed purple, as well as the brief fear in her eyes as she took the outstretched hand. ''Uh, no thank you, Loki,'' (Y/N) answered him.

It wasn't that she didn't trust Loki. It was just that she didn't trust what he would Ido. Would he tell his brother? Would his brother tell the others about where she was?

"I never got your name, love,'' Loki said but in tone to make sure he wasn't pressuring her to do anything she didn't want to. 

Her (E/C) orbs looked at him for a few seconds before she spoke up. ''(Y/N) (L/N),'' she answered him. Quietly, he said her name. Automatically, he loved the way '(Y/N)' rolled off his tongue. 

(Y/N) nodded, turning around to Sleipnir who seemed to get as much attention as his owner was getting. 

Loki watched in awe at his mate. Her (E/C) eyes would light up whenever she interacting with Sleipnir, not judging how unnatural he was unlike people on Asgard. Well, what was left of it. 

''I'll see you two later,'' she told him, beginning to walk east towards her cabin, but turned around and placed a kiss on his hand. 

She really was his. 


Loki tended to ignore his brother with every chance he got, but that didn't seem to be the case when he was being dragged into the Avengers Tower. 

''I was doing something, you big oaf!'' Loki told his 'brother', hands clenched as he got onto the elevator. 

''Yes, because standing at a pond with your horse on Midgard is 'doing something','' Thor said, his voice laced with sarcasm.

He hanged around Stark and humanity a little too much. 

Rolling his eyes, he stepped off the elevator with his oaf of a brother. To say the least, Loki was very displeased to see the Avengers. 

''Friends!'' Thor announced loudly, making a few people in the room jump, as well as Loki who was right beside him.

''Why is he here?" Clint said angrily. He was barely over the whole brainwashing thing that happened 11 years ago. 

''Why am I here?" Loki asperated, sending a glare to his older brother who seemed to smile sheepishly. 

''You all were complaining how you could not find my - our soulmate. My brother has spells that could help us,'' Thor stated. 

The room burst into an outburst of very colorful and disapproving words as Loki looked confused, staring at his brother. 

''What do you mean 'our' soulmate, Thor?" he asked a bit harshly, silencing the room. 

Loki and Thor already knew that they were going to have to share a mate. They knew that since the day there were born. But he didn't know that they would have to share a soulmate with the Avengers.

''Don'ttell me we're doing have to share a soulmate with Reindeer Games, here,'' Tony sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. 

That wasn't Loki's main focus, though. It was the fact that their mate was scared of all of them because they thought they would hate her. And it made sense. 

The Avengers were very judgemental. 

''She's terrified of every single one of us,'' Loki said breathlessly. The only stared at them with wide eyes. 

''You meet her?" Peter said, slightly impressed that the God of Mischief would meet their soulmate first.

Loki only held a glare and crossed his arms. Steve lowered his head in shame, him himself feeling guilt that flowed through his mark, as well as love the other day. 

''She's killed in mass numbers, Loki,'' Maria said, walking into the room with a tablet in her hands, Fury by her side. 

''Almost all of us have killed in mass numbers. Either on purpose or not. She has a valid reason,'' Loki said harshly, defending his mate instinctively. 

''You got her name, didn't you?" Wanda said softly to god. Loki stared at the Wanda a little gentler. 

''I swore not to tell a soul,'' he told the witch, much to Fury and Maria's dismay. 

''Mr. Odinson,'' Fury said, knowing the last name angered the hell out of him. ''That information is crucial.''

Loki only glared harder at the director of SHIELD.

''I would rather be thrown back into that cage than tell you.''




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