6.9K 242 41

(Y/N): Your Name 

(Y/N/N): Your Nickname

(E/C): Eye Color 

(H/C): Hair Color

(H/L): Hair Lenght 

(S/C): Skin Color

Je suis en retard. Tout ça c'est de ta faute: I'm late. This is your fault

enfant: kid 

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''Life is always better when it's filled with freshly baked cookies.''

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IT DIDN'T TAKE A genius to know that (Y/N) didn't get any sleep that night. Did it have something to do with her soulmates being in the same general vicinity as her? Definitely. Was that going to stop her? 



''I could just stay in bed today,'' she said to herself. Her eyes wandered over to Daenerys who sat in the windowsill. If animals could judge (which they probably could), Daenerys was definitely doing that.

A groan fell from (Y/N)'s mouth. She didn't want to leave the company her warm bed sheets had to offer and blessed her with, but she needed to get to the orphanage and-

''SHIT!'' (Y/N) yelled, jumping out the bed, grabbing her jacket whilst in the midst of putting on her black and white converse and with T-shirt. 

Even though everyone was up and were currently up and occupying the living room and kitchen, her nerves about them went unnoticed as she ran down the stairs, quickly trying to get ready. 

''(Y/N)?" Ruby asked, finished putting food on Clint's plate. (Y/N) ignored her completely as she searched frantically through the cabinets, eyebrows furrowed in concentration and anxiousness. 

''Je suis en retard. Tout ça c'est de ta faute,'' (Y/N) said angrily to herself to her feelings. Her purple and red eyes back and forth between two jars in her hands, trying to decide which one to take with her. 

''Late for what?" Natasha asked, being only one of the few who understood and spoke French. 

(Y/N) turned back towards the voice, stopping for a second as she admired the assassin's features. Her red curls draped down on her shoulders, complementing her tan, smooth skin. 

Was that makeup or was she just the beautiful naturally?

"I go to the orphanage every day and now I'm late as a motherfu- are those cookies?" (Y/N) asked, pointing at the plate of chocolate chip cookies in front of Thor who ate them for breakfast instead of anything else. 

Thor nodded. ''Would you like one, Lady (Y/N)?" he asked. (Y/N) snorted. ''I'm no lady, but thank you,'' she said with a nod, grabbing the cookie and taking a bit out of it, savoring the taste. 

(Y/N) walked down the halls severe bedhead that causes her hair to frizz out in every single direction. She wore one of Steve's sweaters that was too big for her and white thigh-high socks as she entered the kitchen. 

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now