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(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Color

(S/C): Skin Color

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''If you could read my mind you would be in tears

because it hurts when you have someone in your heart but not in your arms.''

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SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO FEEL if we were being honest. Even with that, she didn't know if those said feelings were hers to begin with. They felt foreign, yet had a huge effect on her anyway. 

(Y/n) plopped down on her bed, looking up at the tan ceiling that she had decorated with glow in the dark stars as thoughts entered her head, soon being replaced as more came. 

Did she really love them? There was a connection there, she felt it there for sure.

Despite the part of her brain that wanted to deny it, now that most of her anger was out of the way, her heart beat faster (and maybe even louder) when she was around them. A longed-for feeling that she wished she could push away. 

''I don't know.'' 

These were her words, though now looking back at them, she didn't know if they were true. Memories rushing at her made her question everything, including herself.

She'd kept herself in her room for a while. How long had it been? An hour? Three? Who knows at this point. Out of habit, she isolated herself to contain her thoughts. 

As you can see, it was failing. 

Suddenly, a knock came from the door, making (Y/N) shoot up from where she laid on her bed. Sighing, she spoke. ''Come in,'' she said to whoever it was.

The door opened, and when it did, she had expected to see Jason, John, or Ruby. They could probably only be there to scold her. Instead, she saw Wanda and Pietro walk. 

They were twins, right? she thought as pulled her legs closer to herself as they took a seat on the edge of the bed. They shared a look, both of them seeming talking to each other in their heads. 

''How are you, princess?" Pietro asked, a gentle, sincere smile appearing on his face. Like when she was near any of them, her heart began to beat faster. 

(Y/N) shrugged her shoulders. ''I could be better. All of this is just... crazy,'' she admitted, eye flashing grey, then swirling with her (E/C) eyes. 

Wanda nodded her head, a solemn, yet saddened expression on her face that could make anyone's heart ache. ''We're terribly sorry about we we did the other we. It's just-'' (Y/N) cut her off. 

''You guys hadn't seen me in over 2 years, in person at least. And when you do, I can't remember anything with all the time we had spent together It's basically my fault,'' (Y/N) said with a laugh, though she never even knew how she died. 

The twins felt bad. No, fuck that, they felt horrible. It was killing them all on the inside knowing that they were taking a toll on her mental health at this point. It seemed that the both of them were in the room with her were making it even worse. 

The way the (S/C)-skinned woman held herself ate at them, too. In a way that was almost as she was scared of them. Not only that but as if she was scared she could hurt them. 

''We don't hate you for what happened, Princess,'' Pietro said to her, looking at her before hesitantly taking her hand into of her hands, Wanda taking the other. 

Despite her face not showing much emotion, her eyes screamed with them. They shined brightly and seemed to get brighter as the sun began to set. (Y/N) turned her head to try to hide the smile that fought its way onto her face.

However, it didn't last long before the silver-haired speedster pulled her against him, a devious smirk on his face. ''But, you do owe us some time to yourself,'' he said, winking. 

Wanda smacked her brother on the back of his head. ''We're not doing that, nasty,'' she told him, carrying her heavy accent (Y/N) slightly enjoyed in her words. ''She probably doesn't even want us here that long,'' the brunt said, making her way off of the bed. 

Don't do this! (Y/N) yelled to herself as her hand instinctively went to grab Wand, successful wrapping itself around her wrist. She couldn't help herself as the words flowed out of her mouth. 

''Stay for the night,'' she rushed, but it was obvious on the twin's faces that they understood. 

Before (Y/N) could even blink, a blue flash ran around her and she found herself sandwiched in between the Maximoff Twins. 

At first, she was tense, but soon the change slowly left her mind before her muscles relaxed. The smalled sigh fell out of her mouth as they nuzzled closer to her, soothingly luring her to sleep. 

Maybe she could learn to love them.



𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now