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(Y/N): Your Name 

(H/C): Hair Color 

Lubirea Mea: My Love

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''To be honest, I don't know if this is the worst or best day of my life existence.''

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AS (Y/N) AND the agents arrived on the main floor of the Avengers' Tower, she had to resist the urge to snap on their necks when they put their gun directly on her spinal cord. 

''Can you put that gun any harder on my back?" she asked with a glare to the brunet male. He just rolled his eyes and didn't move the gun. However, she knew that she saw fear in his eyes. 

The group of superheroes walked in a little bit after they arrived, making (Y/N)'s anxiety rise to the highest its ever been. 

"Hello,'' Steve said first. (Y/N) nodded while she smiled under her mask. The blonde super-soldier sent a barrel of emotions to her. 

"Mind putting that gun somewhere else, Agent Smith?" Clint said when he saw where it was. He knew it would be stupid if (Y/N) did something stupid now. 

Smith obeyed grudgingly but didn't put the safety on the gun as he moved backward. Fucking bitch. 

''I'll take you to your room. Agents, you can leave now,'' Natasha said, not pleased with the agents at all and just wanted to spend some alone time with her mate. 

(Y/M), on the other hand, was confused. They weren't just going to throw her in a cell and call it a day?

''We wouldn't ever do that to you, Iubirea mea,'' Wanda said, (Y/N) cursed at herself lowly for her thoughts being so loud. 

Nodding (Y/N) walked over to Natasha, eyes turning a light red as the assassin led her to another elevator and then through the halls as they got off. 

''You have your own floor. It's closest to Bucky's floor who's above you and Clint and I's shared floor. But you pretty much have access to the whole tower,'' Natasha told her. 

(Y/N) huffed in annoyance. ''How are you all this welcoming? Next thing you'll tell me is that you're taking off these cuffs?" she said.  you 

Natasha smiled at her comment but didn't reply. "You're our soulmate. We trust you whether you like it or not,'' the redhead stated. Unknown to her, the words warmed (Y/N)'s heart. 

''Whatever,'' she mumbled, cheeks warm and her eyes became light pink. She's embarrassed. Cute, Natasha thought. 

The pair of women arrived in front of a dark blue and grey door. ''This is it. We'll let you settle in for the day,'' Natasha said, getting a nod from the enhanced of the pair. 

''Thank you, Natalia,'' (Y/N) said as she entered to room. On a normal day, if anyone called her that, she would try to murder them, but since it was her, she allowed it. 

As soon as (Y/N) saw the room, she almost fainted at how large and luxurious it was.

Bookshelves filled with books decorated the walls, a walk-in closet filled with clothes that fit her perfectly (though she wasn't going to ask how they knew these things), and a balcony. 

Immediately, she ran to it, her short (H/C) locks flowing with the wind as she closed her eyes. 

There was a shift in the wind for a quick second. ''Enjoying it?'' a particular blonde said from beside me, making her yelp. 

Her now bright blue eyes turned their attention to Pietro and had a smirk on his face. (Y/N) sighed. ''I love it,'' she said, watching the sunset. 

''Great,' he said, going around her and wrapping his arms around her waist. On a normal day,  she would jump off the balcony, but she leaned into his touch. 

Pietro grabbed (Y/N)'s right hand, kissing the backside of it where his mark rested, making her smile softly. 

''It's the first day I've been here, Maximoff,'' she sighed, turning around in the speedster's arms. He rested his head in the crook of his neck. 

''Such a stubborn mate. Girls would drool for me,'' he said, but it was muffled. (Y/N) rolled her eyes. ''Let me take a shower, you horny teen.''

''Can I join you?"

''Take a cold shower, Pietro!''




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