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"The end is only just the beginning, and the beginning only blesses the start."



A HAND MADE CONTACT WITH (Y/N)'S cheek, making her groan as she buried her face in Peter's chest.

"Go away, Morgan," she whined, getting a small laugh from the kid as she laid on the duo, eliciting a groan from the both of them.

"Rude," Peter said, running his hands through his hair as he sat up slightly, looking at the two females through blurry brown eyes.

"Come on, we have to get up," he said, though he made more effort to actually get up and out of bed himself. "Or we can just stay here," (Y/N) said, ruffling Morgan's hair, getting a squeal from the girl.

"(Y/N)! Come on! I wanna make blueberry pancakes," she begged, tugging on (Y/N)'s arm and managing to bring her to her feet, much to Peter's dislike as he reached out for her.

The woman smiled down at the young girl as she rubbed at her eyes. "You can join us in the kitchen if you want," she said before getting dragged out of the room.

"Then it would seem fate would reclaim its original path."

Those words echoed in her head for a while, soon giving her the official push to finally go back to the tower. Sure, she wasn't that against the idea but was still cautious nonetheless. 

At first, she thought they wouldn't accept her that much, but she was proven wrong around the first week of being there. Even the most distant of the group were overly affectionate, but she wasn't complaining about it. 

''Why are you always up so early?" she asked the brunette kid she saw as a daughter. She smiled brightly up at her, revealing another lost tooth that gave her her own signature look. ''I wake up early like Uncle Steve. He got me into the habit,'' she said.

(Y/N) hummed, taking the pancake used to make the batter and grease, continuing to grab more ingredients as Morgan grabbed skillets and putting them on the stove.

''Get the bacon while you're at it, huh kiddo?" she said to Morgan who nodded gleefully, doing as she was told. 

They worked in silence, but it was more of a comfortable silence than an uncomfortable one. Morgan occasionally hummed here and there, but it wasn't anything more than that. 

(Y/N) jumped slightly when arms were wrapped around her waist, the person burying the face into the crook of her neck. 

''Good morning,'' Stephen said from behind her, his shaking hands giving a pleasant feeling against her skin, eyes turning pink and a light green at the sudden contact.

''Hello to you, too,'' she said as she flipped a pancake onto a plastic platter. ''Pancakes are okay for breakfast, right?" she asked as she turned around, seeing the rest of the team sitting at the table, some of them half awake. 

A few warm cups of coffee floated in the air and went to the ones who drank the caffeine, as well as full plates of food. 

''Never when you make it,'' Clint said, immediately digging into the food provided for them. (Y/N) smiled at them, taking a seat in between Wanda and Natasha who both smiled at her.

The redhead then looked over at Clint. ''You're eating like a pig. Stop it,'' she said, throwing an empty cup at the archer who whined. ''Come on, Nat.''

(Y/N) didn't mind the slight conflict as it escalated. It was both entertaining, and something she was used to at this point. 

A small smile was on her face as she ate silently. How in the world could she live without this? They were reckless, of course, but people she had grown to love more and more each day. 

And she wouldn't let them go for anything in the world.



𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now