22 | TOWER

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(Y/F/N): Your Full Name

(Y/N): Your Name 

(L/N): Last Name 

(S/C): Skin Color

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''Did you know towers are wonderful to jump off of?''

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AFTER THE TENSION between (Y/N) and Bucky passed, things began to run more smoothly at headquarters. 

(Y/N) was allowed out of her cell twice a day for 2 hours with an escort. She spent most of her time with the rest of the runaways until she had to go back. 

However, true to his word, Steve made sure no more male agents came and served her food, nor did they take her to the showers.

Although (Y/N) loved to roam, she hardly saw her soulmates. It would suffocate her how close they were, but she had no actual interaction with them. 

Today wasn't any different. Around 10 in the morning, the familiar blonde SHIELD agent, known as Linda, came through the door with a plate of food in her hands. (Y/N) would hear little metal cling in her pocket.

''Huntress, are you ready for today?" Linda asked. (Y/N) had yet to tell them her actual name. The only one who had learnt it was Wanda when she was in her head. 

(Y/N) ate her breakfast rather quickly as Linda got bracelets out of her back pocket. They were made out of the same material as the cage to limit her powers, and at the same time, drain her energy. 

As the bracelets were put on her wrist, the pair walked out of the cell and down the hallway. (Y/N) listened as Linda ranted about her soulmate, her eyes flashing with a great deal of adoration when she said their name. 

Linda was around the same age of (Y/N), if not younger. (Y/N) secretly hated how for most of the time, Linda could go home and get greeted by her loving soulmate. It was something (Y/N) wish she had. 

A home to go to.

So as Linda talked, (Y/N)'s eyes changed blue and green but composed herself to act like she was showing interest into what she was saying. 

After a bit of walking, (Y/N) and Linda approached where the other runaways were. Immediately, Lola latched her arms around (Y/N)'s neck, nearly choking her. 

''Jesus!" the (S/C) skinned woman exclaimed but smiled down at the woman she thought of as a little sister. 

''Did you eat yet?" she asked immediately after as she took a seat in between Jason and John. Her head rested on Jason's shoulder as John placed a hand on her thigh. 

''So much better than the food Matthew cooks,'' Lola practically moaned, earning a slap on the back of the neck from Matthew himself. ''Don't disrespect me, horny teenager.''

They laughed as the marks on (Y/N)'s body began to burn with jealous. Confused, her eyes opened and met the team standing in the doorway. 

Automatically, her eyes turned cosmic as she sat up. ''Yes?" Ruby asked when she spotted them. 

Bruce coughed awkwardly before speaking. ''We need to go over your living circumstances in the conference room,'' he said, not taking his eyes off close (Y/N) was in between Jason and John. 

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now