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(Y/N): Your Name 

(E/C): Eye Color 

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''No matter how far away you are from me

I will always love you.''

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THERE WERE A lot of things that the team, including Morgan, had loved about (Y/N).

Like the way she always had a smokey aroma that had the light stinge of roses with it. Her signature mark when she walked past you. 

The way her eyes would flash yellow when she spoke to Morgan which was always in a gentle tone, never harsh or filled with fake intrigued. Like talking to her own child which Tony loved. 

Or when she was angered, her demeanor changed darkly, but it was always protective, though the team never really saw it, only heard about it. 

But (Y/N) often stayed on her own floor, what she was doing there was unknown. However, the team still visited her floor. Stopping by randomly didn't seem to bother the woman at all. 

The team came back from a two-week mission that night. All of them were covered in blood that was not all their own, grime, and sweat. They were all especially exhausted. 

Discussions about the mission were loudly conversed within them all, so when the elevator doors opened to the main floor, they were greeted with the smell of different variations of food and AC/DC playing ceased all conversations. 

Rounding the corner to the kitchen, the were met with pans of food floating overhead and going to their respective areas on the table. 

(Y/N) smokey aroma never disappeared when the food floated right under their noses, which pleased them all. 

As quietly as they did, the team went around the kitchen island, giving their own personal signs of affection, earning a light kiss on their cheeks when they did so. 

''You all need showers,'' she said finally, not fully turning around on she finished up a batch of brownies, but a smile rested on her face. ''Come back when you don't reek.''

Tony feigned fake offense, raising a hand to come to his chest as he looked at his soulmate. ''I don't smell!'' he said with his soft brown eyes. 

''Don't give me that look, Stark,'' (Y/N) said with a half-hearted glare, but her heart did a  flip. He rolled his eyes, but the smirk on his face never fell.

''Where's Morgan?" Natasha asked, placing a kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek. ''Asleep. I took her to the park earlier before I started cooking,'' she answered.

''What did we do to deserve you?" Loki asked. (Y/N) didn't respond, but smiled at him as her (E/C) eyes turned pink from the compliment. 

(Y/N) had been staying at the tower for a good 3 months. She got bi-weekly conversations in person with the other runaways who all needed to talk to each other after a while.

She hadn't been approved to go far out into the streets of New York yet but did manage to pull a few strings with Fury to give her access to take Morgan to the park and buy groceries.

Nothing made (Y/N) happier than seeing her soulmates happy and safe because, in the end, it all came down to family. 

The team felt the adoration flow into their marks as (Y/N) turned around, focusing back on the food.

She was happy with them, they were all safe, and that was all that mattered. 



𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now