47 | ROSE

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(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Color

(S/C): Skin Color 

(F/C): Favorite Color


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''Sometimes I question everything. From my heart beating to the stars in the galaxy.

Is it even real?''

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IT ALL CHANGED after Norway. No body was ever found for (Y/N) so at her funeral, all they lowered in the ground was an empty casket. 

The runaways, Hill, hell, even Fury changed after (Y/N) died. The Tower used to be covered in her smokey aroma or the random roses that would pop out of nowhere. 

Now they were just gone. 

It didn't just affect the team mentally, but when it came to their missions. When they went out on them, they were mainly blinded by the suppressed anger that they were feeling. 

Normally when they got back from anywhere, whether it be a mission or meeting, they were greeted with a dinner white a bright smile from their soulmate, but now they just returned back to their rooms in silence. 

(Y/N)'s floor remained untouched. No one visited it. It brought back to many memories of when she was with them. The topic of (Y/N) was never brought up, but it was clear that she was always being thought of. 

Before, if anyone would have told them that their soulmate would come back after 2 years, they wouldn't believe you. No, they would probably kill you. 

But strange things happen in mysterious ways. 



''Kaden, where did you put the damn pancake mix?" Kassandra yelled at the blonde Aussie as she dug through the cabinets. 

The man on the couch rolled his eyes. ''On the shelf Cass. Did you check the tallest one?" the man said snarkily. Kassandra let out a small oh, but that earned him a smack on the back of the head from Rose.  

''Don't be such an ass,'' the (S/C) skinned woman said to the Australian man. Clearly, she sounded way different from the lot of the group. It was clear she was American but had a French accent mixed in their as well. Kaden pinched her thigh.

''Why are those two always hitting each other?" Sean, the brunet said as he walked into the living room with Marci following behind him who rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. 

It had been 2 years since the woman with amnesia arriver in their backyard. It took some time, but they welcome her with open arms. 

''He's a dick, that's why,'' Rose said with a smirk. Kaden then grabbed her leg, pulling her down to the ground, making it easier for him to tackle her. Rose squealed loudly as she tried to wiggle out of his grip. 

''They're just children at heart,'' Marcie said, though it was cleary that the pair of them were in their 30's.

''I'm gonna go to the park,'' Rose said with a huff as she finally grounded Kaden who pouted like a three-year-old. Grabbing her (F/C) shawl, she grabbed her keys and left the house. 

For a quick second, her (E/C) eyes turned green. A sense of tranquility always seemed to run through her veins, almost as if it was suffocating her. 

It was always like that, and Rose wasn't sure if she hated or loved it. Yeah, Kaden, Kassandra, Marice, and Sean were her friends and she lived with them,, but they didn't really seemed to connect on a more personal level. 

It was almost like the life she was living at the moment wasn't entirely hers. 

Rose shook her head. No, it was just some stupid trick her mind was playing on her. It was all just happening because of her amnesia. 

It had to be.




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