59 | KIDDO

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(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Color 

(H/C): Hair Color

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''Children are like wet cement.

Whatever falls on them makes an impression.''

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(Y/N)'S EYES FLASHED OVER THE girl, and then back to the team. The red hue in her eyes diminished and her wide (E/C) orbs filled with disbelief stared back at them.

''I didn't- we didn't...'' her eyes went back to the girl was now advancing towards her, not sure about what to do or say. Wanda shook her head. For some reason, a pang of sadness hit them and they all shared a look. 

''Hey, Mom!'' the girl said, wrapping (Y/N) into a hug. ''Where have you been?" she asked, looking up at her. 

As if the situation before wasn't enough. (Y/N) inwardly almost melted, both out of shame and embarrassment, but yes, mainly out of shame. 

(Y/N) glanced over the team who all shared the same hopeless expressions. What were they supposed to tell a child as smart as her? ''Oh, she died and came back after 2 years"? And hell, would she even believe it. 

''She's been busy on a mission, Morgan,'' Tony lied to the girl. Morgan didn't seemed to believe it that much, but shrugged her shoulders, turning back to (Y/N), familiar brown doe eyes staring back at her. ''You're back now! That's what matters!''

That would've been the case if it were true, but it wasn't. Yes, she was there physically, but mentally, she wasn't even close.

The woman pursed her lips into a thin line. ''When did she get here?" she asked. They were all taken aback by her mood change but then remember (Y/N). One of her weaknesses were kids if they were hers or not. It seemed to make her less angry and more curious about the kid in front of her.

"Around the time we were on our way to the orphanage,'' Tony said. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, almost to ask if how she got there but didn't comment on it. 

''I know I've been an ass these pass days, an a few minutes ago,'' she started, ''but, uh, can I spend some time with the kid? Tomorrow?" she asked softly, almost as if she knew her offer would be turned down and the arguing would continue. 

What surprised her was when Natasha nodded her head. ''Go ahead. The kid needs some time with you. We'll talk to you later when were... better situated,'' the redhead told her. (Y/N) sent her a soft smile that sent her heart racing. 

''Thank you, Auntie Nat!'' Morgan squealed, pulling (Y/N) up the stairs with her. A laugh came from the older woman, accepting her fate as the 8-year old pulled her along. 

''Are you sure that was the right decision to make, Red?" Clint asked, watching the two leave. Nat shrugged shoulders. 

''Kids bring out the best of us, right? Let's test that theory.''


''So what are we gonna do today?" (Y/N) asked Morgan. The girl smiled brightly. 

''Let's go to the park!'' Morgan said aloud. Then she pouted. ''Or McDonald's. They have a McDonald's here, right?" she asked. (Y/N) nodded. ''Then let's just go there! And then you can choose what we do!''

The woman chuckled, a smile reaching her features as the girl reached for her hand to hold. She didn't seem to mind about it for her age, either. (Y/N) looked down at her, eyes turned green as the time from years before seemed passed. 

(Y/N) sat in a back designer dress that just reached above her knee. Her elbow laid on the table in front of her as boredom getting to her at the press conference she was attending. 

At this point, she didn't remember why she agreed to go to these things. The team was seated on both sides of her, answering questions that were thrown back at them. The paparazzi seemingly avoided asking (Y/N) anything, much to her satisfaction. 

Her eyes danced around the large room,  finally looking landing on Pepper, Happy, and Morgan. Though (Y/N) wasn't surprised, she managed to spot the Ceo of Stark Industries' third boyfriend. 

Ignoring Pepper, she flashed a smile Happy, but then she and Morgan held eye contact. (Y/N) winked at her, holding a finger to herself. 

Her eyes glowed gold as she waved on over her hands in the air. A light yellow hue passed over the team who it went unnoticed by.

Eyes widened from all the eyes in the crowd. Morgan's giggling could reach the front of the room as some gasps appeared here and there.

''(Y/N), what did you do?" Tony asked. (Y/N) turning to face him. In hopes of containing her laughter, she covered her mouth with her hand. She ending up failing, and the laughter almost drew her close to tears. 

''You look adorable!'' she said to Tony, cameras flashing all in the sidelines of her vision, but she paid it no attention. With a small illusion that took up barely of her energy, she made the team look like toddlers again, but their eyes were blown wide like a video game. 

(Y/N) turned to Morgan, winking at her one again as laughter echoed throughout the conference room. 

Now she remembered why she came to this.

"Hey, Morgan?" (Y/N) asked, turning to the girl. (Y/N) smirked as her eyes glowed a golden color, almost white in the sun.

''Do you wanna see a trick?"




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