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(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Color

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''You must learn to love when you're ready. Not when you're lonely.''

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(Y/N) SAT ON THE COUCH, knowing that she had been awake at ungodly hours of the night even if she had overexerted herself during the day. 

With her advanced hearing, she could hear her soulmates' heartbeats from upstairs. Maybe if she'd been tired, they would've lulled her to sleep. However, now they were just bothersome beating in her ears. 

Daenerys rested on the arm of the couch, occasionally mewling in her sleep before resuming to purr. The woman envied it slightly, wishing that she could daze off just like her. 

The TV played at a low volume and dully illuminated the room, seemingly the only source of light that had been provided to her except for her own as, shining unnaturally bright. 

She tensed when one of the heartbeats in the house sped up, signalling that someone had woken. It slowed down, only leading for the sound of footsteps descending down the stairs. 

Although she had gotten used and close with the rest of them over the past week weeks of letting them inside ofo her heart, it didn't stop her anxiety from rising when she'd be around the team. 

''(Y/N)?" a voice asked. The woman turned around slightly and saw Vision. The yellow gem shined brightly, making her squint her (E/C) eyes to adjust to it. 

''Hey, Vis. What are you doing up?" she asked, rubbing at her eyes. How come it seemed with his presence he had awoken the tired haze she wanted to succumb to? ''I'm sorry, did I wake you?" she said, guilt if she did so beginning to rise.

Vision shook his heaf. ''I do not need sleep. Wana had woken up randomly, but I put her back to sleep,'' he told her. He narrowed his eyes. ''You're still awake?"

(Y/N) hummed in response to his words. She'd felt the power that radiated off of him, overpowering everyone else in the house. It's similar to Akai's, she recalled. She said nothing as the red android made his way over to her. 

He eyed her up and down, blue robotic eyes prying as if they were taking a glance of her soul. The android seemed to frown as he came closer. 

''You're afraid. Why is that?" he questioned, tilting his head like a lost puppy, though it seemed like he shared clear, obvious qualities. 

(Y/N) frowned to herself, diverting her eyes to the other side of the room as she tried to escape his gaze. ''I'm not afraid,'' she said, eyes in a distant place as she spoke. 

The android let out a laugh. ''I may not be one food with human emotions, but I do know the look of fear when I encounter it.''

(Y/N) almost snorted at the way he spoke. It was as if he was confused naturally, but it was the way Thor and Loki spoke in a different manner. 

Vision got closer, a hand resting on her shoulder. ''Is it us?" he asked. At (Y/N)'s silence, he nodded to himself before sighing softly.

He moved to side beside the woman. ''You are ours as we are yours. There's no need for you to be afraid of us,'' he told her. 

Her (E/C) eyes met his once again, only it seemed they had turned yellow him the gem in the middle of his head. 

It tugged out towards her, making her closer to him. She didn't know why, nor did she question it as she made her way into his lap.

No words we shared. It didn't seem like they needed to exchange anyway. Vision's cold synthetic, soft yet rough hands held in place by her hips. 

She raised a hand, hesitate to do so as she touched the gem. Lines of yellow seemed to attach itself to her arm on creeping its way upwards as she did so. Vision hummed in interest as he watched until she pulled away, the yellow lines doing the same. 

''What would happen if I wasn't afraid?" she questioned, her voice close to a whisper as she spoke. Her fingers dug slightly into the clothes he was wearing. It seemed to ease her. 

''Then it would seem fate would reclaim its original path,'' he told her, his voice matching the same volume as hers. 

(Y/N) drew circles on the 'skin' he had. It felt like tiny small, yet smooth rocks under her fingers. Almost as if they were underwater, making it change the texture. 

(Y/N) hummed against, taking another glance at the android's face before she put her head on his shoulder. The wave of fatigue hit her more than ever now. 

''Stay with me til' I fall asleep,'' she said, continuing to rub circles as her eyes began to fall close. 

Vision nodded, although he wasn't sure if she did so. A warm feeling filled him as she began to fall asleep in his arms. 

''I say with you until the end.''




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