41 | ACHES

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(Y/N): Your Name

(L/N): Last Name

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Color

Νύχτα του Θανάτου: Claw of Death

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''To the woman reading this with a restless soul and an aching heart

I want you to know that sometimes you have to break down to break through.''

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THE WHOLE TEAM, minus Morgan who was currently at school rested on (Y/N)'s floor. She sat next to Stephen as she tried to focus on the TV. 

Her body was in pain. It had been months since she had stretched her wings. The illusions would flicker from time to time. Bruce had his suspicions when he sometimes saw them, but he never spoke to her on the subject. 

The elevator dinged, grabbing everyone in the room's attention. FRIDAY paused the show they were watching as whoever walked up. 

''Hey!'' Lola shouted, running up to (Y/N) and hugging her tightly, completely dismissing the fact that Stephen was right next to her. 

''Hey, kiddo,'' (Y/N) said with a smile, trying to ignore the pain pounding and aching on her back and left cheek. 

Ruby, John, Jason, and Matthew said that their own greetings to the team before heading over to (Y/N). (Y/N) could feel the jealousy seeping through her marks as John hugged her by the waist and Jason placed a kiss on her head.

It was a simple gesture that could anger the team from miles away.

After everyone got settled on the couch, they continued watching the show on the large TV Tony bought her. (Y/N) was now seated between Stephen and Jason who seemed too protective of the woman at the moment. 

Ruby and Vision both bore holes in the woman who struggled to stay awake. Her eyes would close for a while before opening them again. 

''You're not okay,'' they both said, sending a look towards each other before turning back to (Y/N) who had her eyes closed and head leaning back and towards the ceiling. 

''I'm just tired,'' she murmured loud enough for them to hear but didn't convince her soulmate who began to feel a low burning pain now stinging their mark. 

Jason's hand reached out to the right side of (Y/N)'s back, pressing down firmly. A hiss came from (Y/N) as she flinched and eyes glowed a low red.

''FRIDAY, run a full-body scan on (Y/N),'' Tony said worriedly, yet sternly. Before (Y/N) could begin to protest, FRIDAY had already done the scan.

Mrs. (L/N) has one severely strained rhomboid. Her left cheek seemed to have similar reading alike to a 3rd-degree burn. Medical attention suggested heavily.

All eyes were turned on the (E/C) eyed woman as she looked down toward her hands, smiling sheepishly. 



That's how (Y/N) found herself in Bruce's lab, the team of Avengers and runaways with them as well. 

Bruce examined her cheek but didn't see any burns which caused the precious scientist to look confused. The eldest runaways glared at her, knowing the reason. 

Tony felt around her back, occasionally tickling her sides to distract her from the pain and to put a smile on her face. Something she appreciated from the billionaire. 

Bruce's hand felt the rough 'skin' on her face, causing her eyes to turn into a purple and red outbursting swirl as her (H/C) hair rose in the air slightly, earning a worried look to come from the scientist. 

''(Y/N)? What are you hiding, babe? You can trust us,'' Bruce assured her. (Y/N) went to tell him a response that might not have been true, but before she got the chance, she yelped out in pain. Her eyes turned gold as she felt and heard bones crack weirdly from behind her. 

Looking over her shoulder, she saw Tony staring at her back where her large and scarred black wings rested, 

"You never told us you had wings!'' Peter exclaimed energetically, walking over to her quickly to get a better look at her wings. 

Just as he was about to run his fingers through the brims of her wings, Tony stopped him. Something told him that they were something (Y/N) never let anyone see nor touched often, if not at all. 

''Sweetheart, can we?" he asked softly. (Y/N) turned her head, seeing the others who were waiting for her response. She sighed as she nodded, spreading her wing a little more towards them. 

Bruce was the first on to touch her left wing, earning a groan to come from her, but soon turned into a sigh and something similar to a purr. His fingers ran over to top ridge of the wing, detangling the fingers as he moved down towards the base. 

The runaways left the room, seeing that the matter at hand was on a soulmate personal level, much to Lola's dislike who wanted to touch her best friend's wings. 

Each team member examined her wings as their ran through the feathers. They felt soft but knew that they were stronger than what they let on. Some bald patches here and there that were marked with large and tiny scars, seeming made by a dangerous kitten. 

(Y/N) looked more relaxed. She felt more relaxed. Her wings would droop when someone touched them at a certain spot or stretch out towards one of them at the absence of fingers running along them. 

"Anything else, doll?" Bucky asked when he still saw the discomfort across her face. She looked at him for a bit before she sighed once more, eyes flashing gold. 

The black scar burned more when it wasn't hidden by an illusion. The black roots that grew out from the scar itself turned white as Bruce ran his fingers over it. 

They went to say something to her, but (Y/N) silenced them as she pulled her shirt off and hissed when the cold air made contact with her bare back, besides the bra she wore. 

Loki walked behind her, interested and worried at what she had to show. Stephen followed as well and both men's faces paled when they saw it. 

''Νύχτα του Θανάτου.''




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