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(Y/N): Your Name

(L/N): Last Name

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Color

(S/C): Skin Color

кукла: Doll

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"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.

So farewell my love, until we meet again.''

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SOMETHING WAS GOING on. (Y/N) could fee it. Her soulmates and the Asgardians in the small town in Norway could feel it, too.

The woman has been around in the Asgardian people for about 4 months. The children weren't that worrisome about her, but the elders were always wary and tended to say away from her.

It didn't help that (Y/N) would sneak out the see Zackariah in secret. Though, this week, she could've sworn he was acting secretive and more cautious of her.

And it didn't help that this week was just being sort of off for her. She was beginning to get mad at the slightest things, like if her drink was too tangy or sweet.

The familiar rush of anger that banged on her chest randomly became a regular and uncomfortable feeling for (Y/N). Her soft (E/C) eyes were now always glazed over red no matter how calm she was.

''Hey, (Y/N)!'' Morgan called before latching her arms onto the tall woman's body, hugging her tightly. The (S/C) skinned woman let out a laugh as she returned the hug.

''Hey, kiddo. What's up?'' she asked, picking the girl up and putting her on her shoulders before she began walking towards the kitchen to her soulmates.

''I met this boy named Fran at the meadow Mr. Loki took me to when we were looking at flowers. He had the yellowest I have ever seen!'' the young Stark ranted.

''There are my two favorites ladies,'' Tony remarked once upon seeing the two of them walk in. As a response, the two of them flashed the team a toothy smile.

''What's on the agenda today?" Vision asked, planting a kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek when she took a seat beside him.

(Y/N) shrugged her shoulders. ''I was going to head into town to go see the kids. Have I mentioned that they all adorable?" she ranted.

As she spoke, the others (beside Morgan who was talking about them as well) watch in awe of their soulmate. It was very clear that she had a soft spot for ever single child on the plant.

But what feared them most was that it was going to come to an end.

You know horrible it would be if you found out that someone you knew well was going to die in two days?

For the team, it was that very thing. The only huge, tremendous difference was that not only would (Y/N) die but hundreds, thousands, who knows how many people would die as well?

''Are you guys alright?" (Y/N) spoke up, ultimately snapping them all out of their trance. When she saw that they were now 'back', she smiled as her eyes turned into a mixture of (E/C), red, and yellow.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now