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(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Color

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''The greatest advantage of speaking the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.''

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(Y/N) SIPPED ON THE CHAMPAGNE in her hands despite the fact that she couldn't get drunk at all. Damn her having supernatural abilities that stopped her from having a complete and utter breakdown in a pool of alcohol.  

Her soulmates all sat/stood in front of her. They had saddened, yet serious expressions on her face that explained to her what kind of situation this one was. It just made her more anxious as their emotions rolled off onto her. 

(Y/N) the rest of her drink as if it was a mug of beer at a brothel before she finally looked back at them. Of course, she knew this day would come sooner or later, but she didn't want or expect it to be at the exact moment. 

''So is anyone going to say anything or no?" she said, a small glare sent off towards them. She pulled on the ends of her sweater she was wearing to created sweater paws and held her head in her hand as if she was bored. 

The gesture was all too familiar with the team as they felt their heartstrings being tugged on. They wanted to tackle the women into a hug and smother her with their love, but they knew they couldn't do that. They needed to get this situation under control before that. 

''So you're just going to decide that you aren't going to back to us after 2 years? You've been alive this whole time?" Clint said, arms folded across his chest. Yes, he loved her, but he was angry and desperately needed an answer.

They watched as her eyes darted around the room, her (E/C) orbs turning yellow and blue. They recognized the mixture of colors quickly. Panicked and upset. She felt as if she was getting closed in on. 

Steve remember this color. It would appear every time they would try to capture her and despite the confident facade she would put on, it was there.

''I-it's not like that,'' she protested with a stutter, eyebrows furrowed. And even if it was like that before, I didn't remember it. 

No one saw how Wanda's eyes widened as (Y/N)'s thought rushed at her head-first. Before the brunette could even get a word in, they continued to throw their words towards her. 

''That's not a good enough reason, (Y/N)! You died, well all felt it! Fate just brought you back like that?!'' Bucky shouted. 


''We had a funeral for you. We buried a coffin with not a body in it, for what? For you to forget that it never happened and to start a new life like that?" Tony belted. 

Why does it hurt? 

Did I do something wrong? 

Please... stop...

(Y/N) to shake slightly under all the pressure. To her, the glass windows in the house seemed to scream at her at full volume right next to her ears while the team's words echoed around in her head, the emotions they put off adding more to her internal struggle. 

''You guys need to stop,'' Vision stated, (finally) noticing (Y/N)'s state, as well as their surroundings. Like when she got mad or broke down, items began to float in the air and break into smaller fragments. 

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now