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(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Color

(S/C): Skin Color

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"I don't know what to say. Will it mean anything at all in the end?

I shouldn't have said anything to begin with. 

That sounds about right.''

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(Y/N) AND MORGAN BURST INTO the house after 4 hours of being out, the time heading into mid-day. The only sounds that came from them were loud laughter and giggles as they landed on the ground. 

''That was amazing!'' Morgan squealed. Her hands held onto (Y/N) tightly as she stumbled she stand up, eventually balancing herself.

''You two had fun, huh?" a voice said, snapping both of the girl's heads to the source. It felt like a hundred yes were on them as (Y/N) lifted her black wings, showing what kind of mischief they had gotten into while they were away. 

Despite their dark color, you could clearly see that mud and different colored paints on them. With feathers (that were definitely not hers) and clumps of fur also decorated them, the wet wings creating a small puddle of water on the floor.

''So much! (Y/N) did what she did at that one press conference, but this time she turned everyone into hot dogs!'' Morgan told them. Another laugh couldn't help but come from the two, causing the team to simile.

''That doesn't explain why you two are so messy,'' Stephen said, coming over to feel (Y/N)'s wings. They actually felt better than they looked.

He didn't sound angry, and if he was, it wasn't obvious because of the smile plastered on his face. ''And why so smell like... bacon?" he asked.

(Y/N) set Morgan on the floor and rubbed at the nape of her neck bashfully. ''We sorta went to a dog park. Those darks get rowdy when it comes to food,'' she said whining when the sorcerer pulled small sticks out of her (H/C) hair and the underside of her wings.

Even though they were messy, when she heard Ms. Carson making her way down the stairs, she made her wings go out off view. She would have to ask Lola or Ruby to help them later. A smile was on the older woman's face when she saw (Y/N) interacting with Morgan. 

''(Y/N), darling? The other's upstairs needed to speak with you,'' she said. Noticing the frown on (Y/N)'s face, she spoke again. ''Nothing bad, dearie,'' she assured. Nodding, she bounced her way up the stair and to the runaways. 

As (Y/N) left, they felt the atmosphere go from joyful and care-free to high tensioned, as well as Ms. Carson's aura darkening. 

''Why don't you go upstairs, Morgan? We need to talk to Ms. Carson alone, hun,'' Natasha said gently despite the difference in the situation. Like (Y/N) in so many ways, Morgan nodded, finding herself going up the stairs to. 

It was silent as Melia took a seat in a cushioned seat, somehow a warm cup of tea they didn't notice finding it's way into her hands. The usual calm and joyful expressions on her face turned solemn and as she looked at the team. 

Did you find it funny, right? How the Earth's Mightiest Avengers were getting scared by an old, small French lady. It's fine. Never underestimate a European woman. Soon, she spoke up.

''What do you guys plan to do with (Y/N) now?"


As soon as (Y/N) entered the room, she could tell that something room. Lola was quiet. Lola was never quiet. Always a bad sign when it comes to things. She didn't know where she remembered it, but it was fresh in her mind now. 

''What's up?" she asked the quiet room, closing the door behind her. Her fingers instantly toyed with the ends of her shirt to keep her anxiety at bay, but it didn't seem to be helping her much. 

Ruby patted the empty seat next to her in which (Y/N) obeyed. As she find, the tension in the room seemed to get even thicker, suffocating her with anticipation for the worse. 

''You guys are freaking me out,'' she mumbled in all honestly, and though she spoke low, it was loud enough for them to decipher her words. ''What's going on?" she asked for the second time. 

Jason and John managed to sigh at the same time, Ruby looked in the other direction, and Lola and Matthew shared a look. All bad signs. "(Y/N),'' Ruby started,

''Do you even want to go back with them?"

. . . 

"We'll love her until we can't.''

''I don't know because I don't know them.''



𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now