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(Y/N): Your Name

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''If I'm being honest, sugarcoat it a little. 

I thought you said to be honest? 

Sugarcoating is just making the horrible truth sound less horrible.''

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AS SOON AS Pietro had gotten a hold on (Y/N), the others, as well as her, was brought to SHIELD Headquarters.

They brought the humans or ordinary group of them into interrogation room while (Y/N) was out in a different cell. 

It was much like Loki's cell in 2012, but much stronger. (Y/N) could feel the energy flowing off it as agents directed her towards it. 

She closed her eyes as she took in her surroundings. There was beeping in her right ear, signaling a camera in the room that was hidden. 

It bothered her how bland it was when she opened her eyes. It reminded her of Hydra cell walls. Instead, they were dark, stained with blood and tally marks on the wall, and no view to the world outside and around you. 

In here, though, (Y/N) had a clear view of when people walked in and where they walked out. A few guards rested outside the doors. 

Irritated by their loud heartbeats, she plopped herself in the middle of the uncomfortable white cell, sighing loudly. 

It had been only 5 days since she was in the cell. People hardly ever came unless it was to bring her food or to escort her to the showers which she had a damn time limit in. 

Do you have any idea how hard it is to sit a room with nothing listening to rhythmic beating and beeping in your ears?

It's frustrating. 

The Avengers, Fury, and Maria all watched as her eyebrows furrowed and she crossed her legs, She huffed dramatically as she glanced up at the camera. 

''Can I at least get interrogated? And with someone who actually has self-control. It really sucks when your agents won't calm the hell down,'' she told them with a slight glare towards the camera. 

Fury waved his hand. ''We need answers,'' he told them, walking out of the room and over to the cell.

(Y/N) heard as a new heartbeat approached. A calm one, as well. She smiled softly and watched as Fury entered the large room where the cell was. 

''Nicholas,'' she said, smiling that she had remembered his name by the proper first name. He didn't look amused as he began walking around the cage. 

''What are you even doing in the US?'' he asked her. (Y/N) rolled her eyes. ''We were supposed to stay here for few weeks and then head to Canada, but..''' she trailed off as she gestured to the cell and Fury. ''We all voted the US was suppose to be off-limits."

''Off-limits? And what exactly do you plan to do in Canada?" he asked, but he already knew the answer. (Y/N) frowned a bit at him, her eyes flashing yellow. 

''I kill Hydra. What do you think?" she said, rolling her eyes. ''But we want a new life. A life that's not... murderous. Although, I do love the thrill,'' she said with a smirk. 

Fury could see how she was the Avengers' soulmate. A natural combination of Tony's sarcastic nature and Loki's sadistic attitude. The list could go on. 

''And you, the woman who has at least 350 kills on her name, wants that?" he asked blatantly. (Y/N) sent a glare to the director. 

''First of all, it's at least 725 kills on my name. I stopped counting in 2015,'' she corrected, widening eyes at the people listening and a few laughs from the runaways. 

''Secondly, do you know how tiring it is to hide your identity with the fact that you're supposed to be dead? So many aliases,'' she sighed.

Fury raised an eyebrow as she adjusted the mask on her face. It was the fifth time she did so while they were talking. 

''Something bothering your face?" he deadpanned. She shook her head. ''You have no idea. It's tiring to keep this on.''

The illusion she kept on was draining her energy at this point. The food they supplied her with was the only thing keeping her awake. 

''Other than the various counts of murder and I think 6 SHIELD agents, which were both accidents, why am I here?" she deadpanned to the director. 

The statement itself surprised Fury. Her soulmates, pretty much the most important people on this Earth, were literally at least 3 meters away and she couldn't even care less. She didn't even mention them. 

''How could you not be optimistic about meeting your soulmates?" he asked, walking around the cage to face her. She shrugged her shoulders as her eyes flickered red as she held a frown. 

''Why in the world would I be optimistic about meeting the person who killed my parents right in front of me?''




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