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(Y/N): Your Name

(F/N): Father's Name

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Color

(S/C): Skin Color

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''Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself from what you think it deserves so you may leave a legacy.

And all I want to do is to make a root that legacy, starting with you.'' 

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YOU KNOW HOW some people say that they're glowing. Well, today, that's what (Y/N) was at the moment. Glowing like a flashlight in the dark. 

''The hell is going on?" she asked Ruby who stared down at her with her hand under her chin. Her soulmarks were going crazy, flashing different colors rapidly. ''I wake up like a star. Literally,'' (Y/N) deadpanned. 

Ruby turned her head towards John, Jason, and Ms. Carson who were all sending similar calculating looks towards (Y/N).''

''(Y/N),'' Melia started, ''are you sure they're just glowing? You're not feeling anything, are you?" she asked. 

(Y/N) bit her lip, sharing a nod with the others in the room. The thing she hated most about it was that whatever she was feeling, it wasn't anything bad. 

It was as if someone was hugging her and pouring all of their lovable emotions out and onto her, but at times, they were dark and saddened. It warmed her heart (quite literally) and all she wanted to do was figure out who they were coming from. 

"Why?" she asked, but her question was ignored when Ruby and Jason started arguing with each other. 

''You didn't tell her, did you? Do they even know we have her with us?"

''Why would I? She barely remembers us and we were with her for years! Would she even remember them?"

"Jason Winchester, I swear-!''

(Y/N) began to block out their argument, her mind beginning to go numb. Matthew seemed to notice so he grabbed her arm, pulling her out the room. 

The (S/C) skinned women's mind went so numb, that she didn't register when a hand made contact with her cheek until moments later when the slap began to burn. 

''Hey!'' she exclaimed. ''What the hell was that for?" she asked with a glare. Matthew held his hands up in defense. ''You couldn't hear me. I did you a favor,'' he responded. 

(Y/N) sighed. Matthew watched as her clouded (E/C) orbs turned back to normal, the purple flowers that had grown on her head withered down to their petals, falling on the ground. Did she always have that power? Matthew thought before coming back to his senses. 

''Are you okay? You seemed to wander to another world back there,'' the male said. (Y/N)'s eyes did a once over of the brunet before putting her face in her hands. 

''You all just act like I'm this, this fragile, Porcelain doll or priceless China glass! You constantly hover, but you don't tell me anything-''

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now